
Refunds from On Demand Delivery




DoorDash failed twice last week at delivering food for my customers and have sent me refunds for those orders. How do I see that those refunds where processed? I have email confirmation but since DoorDash isn't connected to my square/bank account I am unsure how to confirm the refunds where made to me.




Message 1 of 51
2 Best Answers

Best Answer

@rattos @isabelle @goldburger Faheem also cleared up all of the confusion that I have been rolling around in for months now. Thanks @isabelle for clearing that up! I really do appreciate it! It's kind of hard to run your books when you don't know where your money is going. That leads me to my next point... As I spoke about with Faheem. If we were able to see verified email "refunds" on a daily basis... something we could actually track, instead of blowing it to the wind, that would be great. However of course, that would require help from Doordash/Postmates to integrate a bit better with Square and it's services. Each time we call to receive/verify a refund from Doordash, we are left with the "promise" of "we will refund that to you," yet, it's not very reassuring to say the least. Trackability is key! So if that could be resolved soon, that would be amazing.


One additional note Faheem did say that if you email your provider for a delivery refund, they SHOULD send you an "approved" confirmation email... However, I can't use email most of the time because it's all "RIGHT NOW" kind of situations. And US as the business is not going to refund money that we aren't going to get back. 


Thanks for the help! And hopefully we can continue seeing a few improvements here! Would love to keep it going, but it's a bit frustrating at times... Thanks. Anyone else, let me know if you need anything!

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Message 23 of 51

Best Answer

Hey @MAXSDELI! I have quite a bit of experience in this area haha. I had my fair share of run arounds with the same problem: where's the money going? 


TL;DR: The money is going back in your account (more than likely). You can find the credits to your account under the Balance tab in the dashboard. They only happen once a month around the 14th. You should see a credit amongst all the other transactional items on one of the days' run-down.


The longer answer: You never will see the money because Square manages an intermediate account on your behalf with DoorDash. So, when you have a delivery order on Oct. 27th, Square automatically takes that money out of your account that same day, though you don't really see it happen. All of it–the driver tip, the cost for doordash delivery, and the Square fee for using On Demand. You can find all of these fee subtractions under reports > Service Charges. 


If there was a messup, you wont be able to see that money until the following month (all refunds are payed back the following month). So let's say you had a mess up on Oct. 27th. After contacting DoorDash, you should see that refund on the 14th under the Balance tab.


Does that make sense?  



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Message 32 of 51

@Isabelle__ @goldburger @Devin3627, I finally got the help, and answers I needed from Faheem. He escalated the issue with Postmates after which I got 5 emails from Postmates approving refunds. There is still the issue of not knowing when the refunds will hit our bank accounts, and apparently there is always a delay. The refunds, which can be found in Squares "Balances" under "Other" don't supply information about what the refund is for, and it can be an aggregate amount for several at the same time making it impossible to to know what exactly is being refunded. I was told that I could always call Support if I needed detailed information.

Message 22 of 51

Best Answer

@rattos @isabelle @goldburger Faheem also cleared up all of the confusion that I have been rolling around in for months now. Thanks @isabelle for clearing that up! I really do appreciate it! It's kind of hard to run your books when you don't know where your money is going. That leads me to my next point... As I spoke about with Faheem. If we were able to see verified email "refunds" on a daily basis... something we could actually track, instead of blowing it to the wind, that would be great. However of course, that would require help from Doordash/Postmates to integrate a bit better with Square and it's services. Each time we call to receive/verify a refund from Doordash, we are left with the "promise" of "we will refund that to you," yet, it's not very reassuring to say the least. Trackability is key! So if that could be resolved soon, that would be amazing.


One additional note Faheem did say that if you email your provider for a delivery refund, they SHOULD send you an "approved" confirmation email... However, I can't use email most of the time because it's all "RIGHT NOW" kind of situations. And US as the business is not going to refund money that we aren't going to get back. 


Thanks for the help! And hopefully we can continue seeing a few improvements here! Would love to keep it going, but it's a bit frustrating at times... Thanks. Anyone else, let me know if you need anything!

Message 23 of 51

@Devin3627 Thanks so much for circling back to this thread to share a bit more information on your findings and your experience with Faheem. Really glad we got some clarity here, and I definitely learned more about the integration and refunds! 


Hopefully I see you all around the Seller Community more

Message 24 of 51

What was the final solution to this problem? I'm dealing with the same thing, and I have no idea how or when I'm receiving my refund from Square/Doordash.

Message 25 of 51

Hey @SweetAvenue,


I'm sorry to hear about the confusion! It can be quite frustrating.


I will attempt to line it out for you below, I am not a Square team member, but I have had my fair share of stumbling and figuring things out. But anyone please correct me if I'm wrong about something here.



You are using Square's (former*) On-Demand Delivery platform via Square Online, NOT a third party B2B partnership with DoorDash or Postmates etc. that integrates with Square POS.


- You receive money from your customer via Square Online. Depending on whether or not you charge for delivery, you will receive that total payment all at once.

- Since you received the entire transaction payment, Square has to deduct the money from your account at the end of every night, much like credit card fees. You can access that specific page here that shows the service charges per delivery.

- At the end of every night, Square will deduct these fees from your account which you can see under "Delivery Related Fees" in your sales summary each night.

- If you have a refund from a delivery company, upon verifying with that company that they will be refunding you, it will typically post to your account as a credit around the 14th each month. Since Square works with these third party companies, Square takes and "holds" your funds in an "account" that sits in between both Square and the other company. That is where they put all of the deducted fees for your business that go to said company. You never see that account or anything about it. But, it acts as a intermediary for Square and the others. 

- You can find out if you are getting a refund amount for the previous months' refunds under the balances tab in your dashboard.


Home > Balances > Transfer Reports


Usually around the 14th or 15th they show up underneath the "Fees" section, at the bottom, it will say very ambiguously "Other"  and then $x.xx. See the image attached for a better description. 


Hopefully that clears things up now and makes more sense!


Best of luck!


*It started out as Square On Demand Delivery, but now they allow scheduled deliveries! So, I am not sure of the official name or if has changed these days, but it is an important distinction amongst the other routes of delivering!

Message 26 of 51

I greatly appreciate your detailed response.


We had a Postmates refund on 2/16. I checked everyday from 2/16 through 3/16, and I do not see this refund amount anywhere. In your example, is $126.50 the refund amount or the amount you were charged?

Message 27 of 51

The 126.50 is the refund amount that I was given back. DoorDash had quite a few mess ups that month. 


If the refund was conducted on 2/16, it should have shown under 3/14 ish - 3/20. It's super duper easy to miss, so you've really gotta look out for it!


If you still aren't seeing it, see if one of the Square team members can access your account and look for you. If it is still not there, there may be an issue on one end or the other!

Message 28 of 51
Square Champion

Despite reading through this thread I’m still a tad baffled on how or where my refund money on non delivered DoorDash orders comes from. 

Twice in the past two weeks we’ve experienced delivery issues that resulted in pickups by Dashers at our store but never made it to our customers. 

DoorDash has sent us two emails for a full refund of the amounts however, that’s it. I still don’t understand where that money is and contacting DoorDash is a nightmare. 

If I am required to advocate on my own behalf, where do I begin with Square rather than DoorDash? They seem kind enough to issue a refund and clarify it with an email backup but then…nada. Where’s the money, “show me the money!” 😉



Max Berkowitz | MAX’S DELI
Square Online Store
Message 29 of 51

Have you had a chance to review this page yet, @MAXSDELI?

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 30 of 51
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Max Berkowitz | MAX’S DELI
Square Online Store
Message 31 of 51

Best Answer

Hey @MAXSDELI! I have quite a bit of experience in this area haha. I had my fair share of run arounds with the same problem: where's the money going? 


TL;DR: The money is going back in your account (more than likely). You can find the credits to your account under the Balance tab in the dashboard. They only happen once a month around the 14th. You should see a credit amongst all the other transactional items on one of the days' run-down.


The longer answer: You never will see the money because Square manages an intermediate account on your behalf with DoorDash. So, when you have a delivery order on Oct. 27th, Square automatically takes that money out of your account that same day, though you don't really see it happen. All of it–the driver tip, the cost for doordash delivery, and the Square fee for using On Demand. You can find all of these fee subtractions under reports > Service Charges. 


If there was a messup, you wont be able to see that money until the following month (all refunds are payed back the following month). So let's say you had a mess up on Oct. 27th. After contacting DoorDash, you should see that refund on the 14th under the Balance tab.


Does that make sense?  



Message 32 of 51
Square Champion

Ah! That does make sense albeit, not very clean or self explanatory on Square’s part.


This would explain why I haven’t seen the money yet, as it’s only happened in the past two weeks, a first for us. 

Thank you @Devin3627 as this must’ve come to you through a lot of work on your part. 

Max Berkowitz | MAX’S DELI
Square Online Store
Message 33 of 51

Hahhaha, yes. I'm not sure if Square has cleared it up anymore sense. It's definitely a dense dense topic. It would even be best if Square just posted on an article "NO WORRIES! We promise we have your money!" it would help out. 


It took a while:), but we're better now!


Let me know if you have any more problems! Happy to help!

Message 34 of 51

I had got a payment from a company like door dash and it got suspended in my account and I can't get my funds why and how do I get my funds out of suspended

Message 35 of 51

We are having way too many issues with DoorDash delivery. I wish there were more options.  Uber Eats is expensive but I might have to try them again. If they get my customers their food that would be one step in the right direction.  Last week a DoorDash driver handed my customer her OWN lunch (ham sandwiches and a mandarin orange fruit cup) and kept the food from our restaurant!  The most common thing we are experiencing is the drivers are not delivering to food. It's horrible and we are at their mercy. I am so tired of calling DoorDash because it's a colossal waste of my time.  Does anyone else have this experience? 



Message 36 of 51

Yes, this is why we 86'd delivery on demand. Trying to manage the customer side of doing "ini house" delivery but subcontracting the endless issues doordash experiences was awful. I have more value doing delivery exclusively through the doordash platform-- benefit of marketing/customer acquisition as well-- and inflate my prices 15% to help with the commissions.

Message 37 of 51

When it comes to the delivery orders placed on Square's online stores, the refund system is not working.  When a customer places a delivery order on my restaurant's online platform, Square assigns delivery to DoorDash.  The delivery fee and courier fee go to DoorDash, and the money for the food (less the fees) comes to my restaurant.  If the order is cancelled, I can refund the food, but the DoorDash fees never make it back to the customer.  I have received multiple emails from DoorDash letting me know that they are issuing the refund, but the funds never show up in my account nor do they show up on the customer's credit card.  DoorDash claims they are sending the money to Square.  Square says it takes 30 days for those fees to be processed and applied to the correct account.  But I am here to tell you that the fees NEVER MAKE IT BACK TO THE RESTAURANT OR THE CUSTOMER.  THE SYSTEM IS NOT WORKING.  I have been working with Diego at Square's Support Team for a couple weeks now and we have made no progress.  No one at Square seems to even understand how the system works.  I am continually having to explain to folks that my restaurant never gets the delivery fee or courier fee---those go to DoorDash.  I cannot refund money that I never received. 


Finally today, in a fit of desperation, I mailed Jack Dorsey (CEO of Square) and Bill Lee (Chief Technology Officer at Square) asking for their help.  Very frustrating.  

Message 38 of 51

There definitely needs to be more training or a separate department that handles Square/Doordash issues. I have had multiple issues with refunds as well. One time a refund took 45+ days, but it finally came through. It is a frustrating experience having to go back and forth between Doordash and Square. If a customer is using our website (which is run by Square), and the payment is processed by Square, Square really should fix the issue, instead of telling us to contact Doordash. 

Message 39 of 51

So, I'm chiming in here as we recently started using the Delivery on Demand option.  To say this has been a rough start is an understatement.  I'm currently waiting on refunds for 3 orders that were botched by DoorDash, one of which is over a month old.  I understand that DoorDash allows themselves up to 31 days to process a refund.  I don't like it, but it is what it is. 


After reading though these conversations I can attest that the problems identified in this thread have absolutely not been solved.  I asked a simple question today which was:  How do I identify when a refund from DoorDash is actually deposited in my account?  Yesterday, I was told it would show up just like a transaction.  So the next obvious question is: What will that transaction say when it does show up?  In other words - how do identify it?  I was transferred from the Ecom team, to someone in hardware, to someone in the "general queue", then to escalated support who sent all my information to the engineering team who are, again, "researching the problem and will get back with me in 24-48 hours".


Is there anyone out there that has had any success in confirming a refund involving DoorDash?  And if so, would you be willing to share your success story?

Message 40 of 51

Joining in to say the I am also having issues with this.  DoorDash Drive issued me two refunds on 11/30.  After reading this thread, I understand that I won't see those refunds until about the 14th of December.  I understand the 30th is the last day of November,  I can accept that maybe Square didn't get notification or process this until December 1.  If that is the case, I can begrudgingly accept that I won't see those refunds until January 14th.


However, what I cannot and will not accept is that there appears to be no way of verifying that those refunds are pending. 


Am I really supposed to wait until the middle of January to see if these refunds magically appear before raising a stink?


Some of the info here appears to be outdated.  I did a search for 'transfer reports' in the Square Dashboard and landed on this , which is maybe where it might eventually show.  I can't even figure out how to get to that page from the Dashboard.


Surely I am missing something here.  Can someone please direct me to where I can see that the refund is indeed coming?

Message 41 of 51

The transfers report is simply a list of transactions that are included in the deposit to your bank account.  And yes, it will likely show up in this, however...


In the spirit of sharing what I understand - this all hinges on Doordash and their 31 days to process a refund/credit.  The disconnect is that Doordash seemingly has no idea how this works when a transaction initiates from Square.  After many conversations with Square and Doordash, once Doordash processes the refund/credit, there's supposedly no delay on the Square side of this, and it will show up as a transaction in Square, just like any other transaction.  The still unanswered questions are:

  • What does the credit look like?
  • How do I locate the credit?
  • How do I know that the credit has been transmitted from Doordash (that's on Doordash as far as I'm concerned)?


And an FYI to add to On Demand with Doordash:  If the customer calls Doordash and cancels the order after it's placed and processed - Doordash doesn't notify the merchant and/or Square that it's been cancelled.  The customer has to notify the seller directly because there is no mechanism/communication to/from Square that updates the order in Square Online.  Doordash claims that just because the delivery was cancelled, the customer still wants the order (which makes zero sense).  So here I sit with wasted food, no revenue, still awaiting a refund from an order in October and two from November, and an angry customer.

Message 42 of 51
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