
How to set separate - itemized - sales tax rates per item in my Square Online site?

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How to set separate sales tax rates per item in my Square Online site?

We are a bakery that sells different categories of items that our state (CO) taxes differently.


For example, bread that is sold packaged to be eaten at home is exempt from state retail sales tax whereas a ready to eat pizza includes the state retail sales tax.

This results in us having different items that we need to tax at different rates.


In the Square Register, this is easy enough to do. In the Square Online site, however, I don't see any way to set tax rates by the item - only by the location.


How can this be resolved? Thank you!

Message 1 of 79
1 Best Answer

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You can now use itemized tax rates for pickup and delivery orders in your online Square Dashboard!

Thanks for popping in here to let this thread know that feature has been rolled out, @Darla_! I wanted to jump in to provide a bit of detail for anyone who hasn't had a chance to check out the change. To get started, you'll head to your Square Online Overview page > Settings > Taxes and look for the Tax rates & calculations section:


Here, you'll want to toggle on one or both of options, as shown above - depending on how you'd like to use the itemized taxes. Learn more about itemized taxes by checking out this article from our Support Center!


Note: Shipping orders will still use the tax rates set in the Square Online Overview page settings.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 64 of 79

This is a HUGE issue for anyone in restaurants.  I only recently discovered our tax rates from the dashboard do not sync to the online store.  I am now forced to calculate tax rates on certain categories, and I am losing money on items that I will have to pay the taxes even though they haven't been collected from customers.  Otherwise we are non compliant with our city taxes.


Every restaurant needs multiple tax rates- we joined the platform because we could do online contactless orders, but if I had known about this I may not have moved everything over.

Please make sure the team knows that this is an urgent need not a wish list item!

Message 43 of 79

VERY IMPORTANT NEED: I'M LOSING TIME & MONEY BECAUSE OF THIS. This is a huge problem that needs attention NOW. Need Square Item taxes to sync to Square/Weebly Online Shop items taxes. I am either over collecting taxes (BAD for my customer) or under collecting taxes (BAD for me) Either way it is BAD. Over collecting sales taxes is extra bad. Under collecting sales taxes causes businesses to lose money.  

Message 44 of 79

Has there been any movement on this?  It's a significant failing that needs to be addressed now.

Message 45 of 79
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @lgmbts - thanks for reaching out here and checking in on these Feature Requests. No updates to provide on this front, just yet, We will continue to share all relevant updates here on this thread as we know them.


Thank you for your patience!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 46 of 79

Can you mark this thread as "not solved"?  It is marked as solved, and clearly is not solved.

Message 47 of 79
Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @RedLightRoaster - I can help clarify, here. This stamp is an indication that there is a confirmed answer from a Community Manager and Square representative. This stamp does not confirm a branded resolution by way of product offering, rather more-so a acknowledgement answer of current progress and company visibility.


Thanks again for reaching out! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 48 of 79

This is most likely a simple fix on the Weebly/Square end. Tax collection as we all know it, needs to be done properly and legally. By not allowing various rates applied for various taxable items, then we are being forced to tax illegally. Sales tax 5.3%, food tax, 2.5% and fuel tax 1.0%. These are the various tax rates I would personally need for our online store. So, 2 of my 3 items would be taxed incorrectly. Please, like all of us in this thread, expedite this issue and resolve it. 

Message 49 of 79

Hi Joe,


Any chance there is someone I can speak with at square/ weebly?  Seems like we (sellers & square) are all in violation of many local laws, and this should be a high priority item.  I'm pretty sure legal departments would lose their mind on this one. Can you escalate this to a high priority?  I may have to move my online ordering to another platform which would really be a shame since so much time and money has been invested in Square at this point, and we love so many things about Square for Restaurants so far!  Any help is appreciated- thanks.

Message 50 of 79

Hi @elponce,


I recommend contacting our Weebly Team directly. Hi there! They will be your best resource in getting this inquiry addressed.

Check out ways on how to get in contact with them by visiting here.

Community Moderator, Square // Moderador de la Comunidad, Square
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Message 51 of 79

I finally had to switch to Woo Commerce because I refuse to get into trouble regarding tax because of this very simple issue. Now I've opened an entirely different can of worms because--while square and woo are supposed to sync--there are many fails. All we want is a COMPREHENSIVE system that works!


THIS ISSUE NEEDS TO BE FIXED!!! The Square online store is completely useless to those of us in this situation.

Message 52 of 79

I have contacted the weebly team directly multiple times. It’s always “oh yeah we can help you set up your taxes”. Then “oh wait the system won’t do that”, “we will look into that & let you know“ then months later when I contact them it’s the same exact thing. Like they have no idea we’ve already had this conversation.  So frustrating. I’ve done that 3 times since March.

Message 53 of 79

Hear hear!!

Message 54 of 79

Is there any movement on this issue yet?

Message 55 of 79

Is there a solution for multiple tax rates via the Online Store?  And if not, when will this be solved?  It's not a small issue. 


As I understand the current situation, the online store (Weebly) only has the capability of charging one tax rate, and defaults to the state tax.  My state (MA) taxes food (7%) differently than non-food (6.25%).  This means that I have two options as I see it:


1. Remove all non-food items from the online store, or;

2. Charge the wrong tax rate.



Message 56 of 79

Thanks for posting this, @lgmbts


I'm merging your post into another thread with requests to add the option for multiple tax rates for online store purchases. This should make it easier for you get an update if this changes.

Square Community, Platform
Message 57 of 79

I find this critical as well! I am in northern Virginia and I have state and local general sales tax, city meals tax, and a state reduced grocery tax.


This really becomes a problem when I have to charge my customers a collective 10% on prepared items, vs. 2.5% reduced grocery tax rate for a bag of coffee beans.


Not only is it incorrect, but I'm not sure it's lawful to collect incorrect tax amounts from customers.


Please Square/Square Online (weebly) address this issue soon!

Message 58 of 79

I must speak up as well. I have been very happy with the ease of Square into a Weebly online site. But if this cannot be addressed ASAP, I will have to move to another platform, which gives me so much anxiety due to all the time I've invested in these apps. 


PLEAE ADDRESS ASAP!! Again, this is a legal issue in which you are not allowing us to LEGALLY collect and pay sales tax.

Message 59 of 79

Hey, they did it! The option popped up last week, I let it run for a bit to make sure there were no problems - IT WORKED! Thank you thank you thank you!


So, if you have your items set up in Square with the correct taxes, just go to Settings>Taxes on your Online Store. There's an option now for "Itemized Taxes." Just toggle it on for pickup/delivery. It will sync up. That's it! Thank you Square/Weebly for finally addressing this issue! Also for making it so easy to do, what a relief!



Message 60 of 79

They did!  I found it Tuesday!  This is the best news!

Message 61 of 79

I'm so glad they are taking a step in the right direction to fix this issue.  It still looks like it's a problem for any of us that ship items though.  Taxes for shipping can still only be set by location and don't have the option to have varying taxes for item types.  


Why not just make this available to toggle for all types of sales??

Message 62 of 79

👏 👏 thank you!!! Checking it now. 

Message 63 of 79
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