
How do I set up Facebook Pixel on my Square Online website?

The title of this post has been edited from the original: How to set up our Facebook Pixel properly so that it tracks all conversions on our site


How do you set up the facebook pixel properly so that it tracks all conversions on our site? Right now we have our facebook pixel added to the proper section on the Square settings - but we can see that it's not working on the Facebook backend. Is there a way to manually add the code into our site?

Message 1 of 90
1 Verified Answer
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Re: Facebook pixel

I found an answer that seems to have worked for me, though I'm using a Square/Weebly site. I called support.


Once you log in to weebly, on the side bar you go to website/integrations/facebook pixel. Then you only input the pixel I.D. number. Not the entire header code.


Hope that helps.

1 Best Answer

Best Answer

Hi @Ogdensown 👋


It's possible to embed the code required by Facebook for this integration into your Square Online website - simply follow these steps. For additional information about the Facebook Pixel and how it works, you'll want to take a peek at Facebook's help page

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Message 20 of 90

And the same issue continues.... my FB shop was updating automatically for quite some time and then it stopped within the last 2 weeks (and I didn't do anything other than add items to my Weebly website).  I can't even upload my downloaded square inventory (.csv) file to Facebook correctly as it's missing numerous fields that FB wants it to have, so it errors out.  I ask FB for help and they just want more and more screenshots and screen recordings to reflect the issue!!  VERY FRUSTRATING!

Message 85 of 90

You'd think this would be addressed by now. But, NOPE! Blows my mind. Losing out on thousands and Square/weebly on thousands (via seller fees) but not addressing this. Multiple tang by hundreds of sellers. Seems like the money would be there to address it, but nope. So we sit without this basic yet important functionality. Ridiculous. 

Message 86 of 90

@smmayhem @fordhamr 

It's time to give up on this!


If it breaks you have no hope.


I raised this well over a year ago and finally got an email from the tech team acknowledging that there was an issue 3 months ago but since then they will not even respond to an email.


This is the worst customer support I have e3ver received and as you say is costing us and them significant revenue. So if they don't care about that what do they care about?


Message 87 of 90

Mine FINALLY started working BUUUUUT ...... 


I always have used the online area of square >ONLINE>SITE ITEMS> ADD ITEMS, ETC. so naturally when I remove or delete an item by selecting or deleting, they won't show up on my online website. I add items this way to.... HOWEVER, it appears that the square "Item Library" doesn't delete the item so now my Facebook Pixel from square is syncing EVERY item I have EVER created no matter if it's been deleted or removed b/c I haven't remived it from "Square Item Library"!!


WHY will "Online Site Items" automatically get created into your "Square Item Library" when you create it in "Online Item Library" BUT it won't REMOVE or DELETE them?? 


This platform is just becoming cumbersome to use. I have a whole network of apparel decorators that use Shopify and nothing like this is happening to them. 


PLEASE Square!! 

Message 88 of 90

@smmayhem @fordhamr @Valentina 


Square do not appear to have communicated anything on the forums but I received an email with this link and on following the setup I now appear to have a working shop again!



Message 89 of 90

Interestingly, everything started to work correctly again (with my issues) but only after I deactivated my FB Shop through Weebly Sales Channels and then reactivated it.  I did nothing with these settings to make it stop working. No idea!! I'll follow this same procedure the next time it mucks up.  

Message 90 of 90
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