
Google PageSpeed Insights Report: Square Online website contrast ratio issue

I'm on a quest to improve my Square Online website's performance by resolving errors that are reported when I run my website through Google PageSpeed Insights.


In the Accessibility > Contrast section of my report, the disclaimer that is found in the contact forms is presenting the following error: Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio.


On my website, the disclaimer text is auto-populated and rendered as color: #000000 at opacity: .5, on a background-color: #FCF6F0 that I set in options. The submit button is set in the editor to color: #000000 and is automatically rendered to opacity: .5.


I have confirmed the low contract ratio for both the disclaimer and the Submit button using WebAIM's Contrast Checker.


Does anyone know if there's an option in the editor to change the disclaimer/button opacity to improve contrast?


Are other sellers experiencing this contrast issue in their Square Online forms?


Screenshot is attached.


I appreciate any helpful advice.



Screen Shot 2023-03-07 at 11.40.26 AM.png

Susan J.
Square Online seller, website designer and artist

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

hi @taylorandjones 

I meant, well I thought I posted a reply here to you last week, but apparently...I didn't.  


I ran your site through GTMetrx as well and I am not 100% sure on your issue about fixing the contrast ratio or if it can be fixed.


Looking at the report though, I think if you were able to find a way to defer CSS or JS, your site would load much faster.  I think that this is one draw back of Square Online, (why a developer hasn't developed an app like WPRocket for wordpress is beyond me).


I don't use Square Online, so I am not sure how in depth you are able to dive into in the backend to make adjustments or not.  Maybe someone will come along and be able to offer some more insight on your question. 


Best of luck, and nice site by the way 


Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
Check out Square support center for additional help.

Message 2 of 3

Thank you for posting a reply, @Minion, I appreciate your time.


We do not have access to adjust the backend CSS or JS in Square Online's editor.


Posting questions on this community board is our path toward change and hopefully getting development attention.


All the best.

Susan J.
Square Online seller, website designer and artist

Message 3 of 3
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