
Feature Request: BOGO (Buy one, get one) and other automatic discounts via my Square Online website

Feature Request: BOGO (Buy one, get one) and other automatic discounts via my Square Online website

The title of this post has been edited from the original:  Can automatic discounts be used on the online store?


When I create automatic discounts, such as quantity or amount discounts, they work perfectly well on my point of sale but do not work on my online store.

Can anyone help me?

Thank you!

4 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Feature Request: BOGO (Buy one, get one) and other automatic discounts via my Square Online webs

@doc_choc Thank you 🙏❤️ You too! ☀️

Verified Answer

Re: Feature Request: BOGO (Buy one, get one) and other automatic discounts via my Square Online website - Status changed to: Has Product Insight

Hello there!


I appreciate all your patience while we work to get this feature implemented. The beta testing for this feature has currently been delayed. Our team is working very hard on the backend to resolve some roadblocks that have prevented this from going. If you would still like to join the Beta for this request you can certainly still do so. I know this is incredibly hard but I appreciate you all for hanging in there! 🙏

Verified Answer

Re: Feature Request: BOGO (Buy one, get one) and other automatic discounts via my Square Online website - Status changed to: Needs Beta Testers

Hi! We'll be launching a beta test for Automatic Discounts on Square Online in the next couple of weeks. Head over to Automatic Discounts for Square Online to join the Beta Community and request access to this beta test.

Verified Answer

Re: Buy 1 Get 1 Free Coupon on Square Website

Currently, the Online Store doesn't support Buy-one-get-one coupons. However, you can assign standard discounts to certain categories. From the site editor,  visit Items > Coupons > Add Coupon. You'll find an option to choose eligible categories under Discount Details at the bottom of the page. 



304 Replies

HI @PURECHOICE! Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Seller Community. I've merged your post with an existing thread. The BOGO feature, or a conditional discount, is a feature request for the online store and we are still tracking feedback for it. Thank you!

Hey purechoice,

The best you can do is to put the bath bombs in their own category, then create a 25% off coupon that is good for that category only. But when you offer the coupon, state this is a BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF! On this category only! You MUST purchase in 2s for the coupon to be valid.

I did this last week, and since I TOLD them it was for buy one get one, every one that purchased put two of the item in their cart. So it worked. The coupon will actually apply 25% off each item from that category, which technically comes out to 50% off one. 

But that's not to say it's not with out risk. If someone just put ONE item in there, applied the coupon, and checked out, they WOULD get the 25% off the one item. But then you could just cancel the order, because they misused the coupon. It's not perfect, but until we get this option, it did work for me. Good luck!

With Black Friday coming, I came here to check if there's an update on this, and sadly it looks like it's still a "request".



Square Community Moderator

Hey @aprild,


We update the threads when feature requests become available so unfortunately this one is still in the feature request stage.

Just another vote to get this figured out ASAP. Yet another feature that really should have been figured out before the holidays! I need customers to automatically receive their discount when ordering more than one pie, just like they can at my POS. Thanks! 

100% sucks. 

Another vote for the online ability to give buy x get y for z% off. This is a key discount that we'd like to use weekly, so adding the scheduled discount would be great, too!

This feature should be a priority in a pandemic as we push customers to our Web sites to order instead of shopping in person!

This is absolutely ridiculous that this feature request has been open for MONTHS with multiple people asking about updates. This should not have to be requested, especially with COVID forcing many sellers to online-only, as well as Black Friday coming up. I will now have to shut my site down, and change the price of almost 200 items individually on Thanksgiving. Had I know this was not an option to do easily, I would never had made a site with Square and Weebly.

Very disappointing. I will be switching if this does not get added quickly.

Square Community Moderator

Hi @Norton819 - thanks for reaching out to us here on the Community. 


We field thousands of feature requests each week here on the Seller Community, and bringing these features to fruition often takes an ample amount of time and effort from our engineers. We want to ensure that our releases are not just surface level products, but the best all-around resources to help you grow your business.

These requests also span an array of different aspects of our products; some are more major, while some are periphery features. Our Product Teams do have a road-map for future additions to our offering, but the nature of our work includes trial, error, and set-backs. So sharing a timeline would be far from accurate and more than likely cause more confusion and angst. 

We understand that it might be difficult waiting for something to be built out, but our engineers are working on various different requests brought up by our sellers, and working with Apple, Google, and our other partners in order to approve these changes and be able to push them out in future updates.