
Cannot sort by price or 'Add' date, cannot select more than 250 items, ship weight is not on order

Hello all,

As the title says. I cannot sort by price, I cannot select more than 250 items, I cannot change the default display to collapsed rather than open, the weight has been removed from submitted orders.


If I want to set a sale price, or multiple prices based on current listed price, I cannot because I can't sort by price 


If I want to sort by which items have been in my inventory the longest to perhaps blow them out of inventory, I cannot because I can't sort by the date the inventory was added


If I want to bulk change my inventory in any regard, I can't because I can only select 250 items.


Categories are an impractical sort option


Why is the default display for items set to open and not collapsed? At lease give us the option, please.


The ship weight has been removed from orders. Why? Carriers require the weight so now I'm left with manually opening each item and adding the total.  This needs to be added back ASAP.


If there's solutions I'm missing, please let me know as I don't claim to know everything.


Thank you,

Brad The Lego Guy

Owner - BTLG Bricks


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