
Can I integrate Square with Squarespace?

I am having an account on square-up and want to display all the Items(products) of my square-up on my squarespace site.

so can anyone guide or instruct me to implement the above mentioned functionality...?

Message 1 of 54
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Re: Can I accept Square payments on Squarespace

Hi @Michaelv1,


You are correct about Squarespace using Stripe for credit card processing. According to Square, "Although you are unable to link Square directly with your Squarespace website, Squarespace developers can embed Ecwid to accept payments with Square. Read more about integrating with Ecwid." It will take a little bit to set up, but this should allow you to have Square process your transactions.


Alternatively, you could move your store over to Square Online Store/Weebly.

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Happy to summarize (and noting that  my client uses Square for in-person transactions and is very happy with the purhcase flow: Doesnt want a different POS solution): It was very tempting to try and connect these systems in this way, beacuse they both existed and work well for what they do, but at the end of the day it isn't work the risks, uncertainties, or headaches. As a general matter, this is mostly because SquareSpace is pretty locked-down, which is totally fine if the features they offer are a good fit for your customer's website hosting needs. Remember, it looks like there was a workable solution on the SquareSpace side and the closed it because they don't want you doing this for all of the obvious and annoying reasons. So maybe we're down the wrong rabbit hole...


If SquareSquare (Website) is working well for your client outside of this. Keep it.


If Square (POS/Checkout/(basic inventory)) is working well for your client outside of this. Keep it. They appear to make it easy for 3rd parties to supply reliable integrations.... because they understand that they don't completely support your customer's use-case either!!!


If your customer is trying to build and grown an online store, they need one more product (like BigCommerce, Shopify, WooCommerce, etc). It's one more subscription, but the alternatives are effectively dead-ends.


We did the following:

  • Created a store on Big Commerce
  • Used the Square plugin for Big Commerce to enable synchronization between the two systems (this works well), to give the client an early preview, to get Square inventory data into Big Commerce (because you should probably handle the migration of existing products from Square to Big Commerce in a semi-manual way... Big Commerce should become the primary source of truth/managing interface for inventory (stock counts synchronize back from Square to BC very fast, so sales on the floor and in the store via a single Square store are fine) so this is an Awesome time to do a little cleanup and to create consistency in the product representations, which is usually exciting for the client), AND getting the minimal store up will give you time to...
  • [Important to start early and don't tell them until it works]: Set up, wait, test, test again: the client's redirect from "https://shop.squarespacewebsitename.com" or whatever to the Big Commerce store (their docs are pretty alright). We didn't even have to jump to the expensive plan for https to work all the way through, though some historical docs and comments suggest that it used to be necessary. Thanks be to the HTTPS-everywhere people!

I pulled the Square Data into Big Commerce so I could start from a correctly formatted csv for endless rounds of downloading it from BC, making local changes via a little Python framework that I wrote to get the job done and to make it easier to a) incrementally sanitize the product data, b) respect the constraints of the BC csv upload system (The category column must have a value for each product, but prouducts in multiple categories need to have that information represented as a single delimited string, example), and uploading it again to see how the everything looked.


N.B. You have to enable synchronization to initiate the first Square => Big Commerce copy. Just be sure to disable it before you start uploading test/dev product csvs or testing your migration tool!








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Message 25 of 54

Best Answer

Hi @Michaelv1,


You are correct about Squarespace using Stripe for credit card processing. According to Square, "Although you are unable to link Square directly with your Squarespace website, Squarespace developers can embed Ecwid to accept payments with Square. Read more about integrating with Ecwid." It will take a little bit to set up, but this should allow you to have Square process your transactions.


Alternatively, you could move your store over to Square Online Store/Weebly.

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Message 47 of 54

Not sure about Register, but you can use a Square Reader to sell through the Squarespace Commerce app. It deducts your sales from your Squarespace inventory. Selling in person with Squarespace Point of Sale – Squarespace Help 

Message 43 of 54

Excited to announce that Trunk's Square integration is now live! This means you can now sync inventory in real-time between Square and Squarespace 🎉



Message 44 of 54

Trunk https://www.trunkinventory.com/ has been working fantastic for me and is cheaper than any other third party workaround!

Message 45 of 54

Is there a way to accept credit card payments on Squarespace. Currently, Squarespace only accepts Stripe for credit card processing and they are hard to work with. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. 


Message 46 of 54

Best Answer

Hi @Michaelv1,


You are correct about Squarespace using Stripe for credit card processing. According to Square, "Although you are unable to link Square directly with your Squarespace website, Squarespace developers can embed Ecwid to accept payments with Square. Read more about integrating with Ecwid." It will take a little bit to set up, but this should allow you to have Square process your transactions.


Alternatively, you could move your store over to Square Online Store/Weebly.

Message 47 of 54

Egads.. terrible advice!


1. There is precisely one template/theme for a square online store if the goal is accepting square payments and syncing inventory.  And it is an absolutely b***h to work with.  


2. Weebly (square version or the big puppy) has an acknowledged and ongoing problem with images that can blur the heck out of any photo uploaded for pages or for the header. Almost like it smooshes an upload into thumbnail size for listing pages, then expands that to show the item on the item info page. AFAIAK, if it doesn't work properly in preview mode, why would anyone believe it would work better when published?


3. The options for customization are next to nil.  If you come from a real website builder like BigCommerce or Squarespace, this omission and the limits on exactly what one can adjust on a square online site seems almost 1980-ish.  


4. Think the solution is go Weebly from the start and add in square?  Nope.  Unless you use the one-and-only square online template, you have to import data via CSV and lose syncing with square.  So what's the point?  Might as well jump to another platform and not waste a week as I have. 


5. Oh, and if you think, "Hell, I'm heading to BigCommerce." ... whoa there, boy(z and girls)!  Though BC connects fine to square as a payment processor, BC has an acknowledged problem with square POS connections and thus stock importing and inventory sync.  As in, it won't work. Doesn't.  Can't.  Isn't.  BC support said (April 21 2020), "We are aware of the issues with Square in the [BigCommerce] Point of Sale tab in the Control Panel, currently there is an active engineering ticket for a new version of our Square integration that will be set to release soon. At this time, we request that you keep trying to connect Square through the Point of Sale tab or wait for the new release." [NB this after square sync v2 rolled out in March 202 was supposed to fix these problems arising since 2019.  Now we're to wait for v3]. And FWIW, Square support said "Talk to BC".


I wanted square online to be more than it is, and not hamstrung by what appears to be nothing more than boredom at creating a better product.  The quest continues.


Message 48 of 54

Has anyone successfully integrated Square as their appointment booker, POS while having Squarespace as their website? Is that available for those of us who do more than e-commerce?

Message 49 of 54

Hey @Alecia! Welcome to the Community!!


It might be helpful to scour this thread and reach out to those Sellers for some advice with the SquareSpace integration. 


They're always here to help !! 

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 50 of 54

Just want to reach back out on this topic since it seems like a lot of the discussion was done years ago. Seeing if there's any update. Client uses Square POS in-store (brick and mortar) and wants to now do online ordering for their beverages and sell merchandise as well, all on their Squarespace website. Is there any integration (plugins/iframe/etc) to make this happen or is creating a square store and linking it to the Squarespace site the best way?

Message 51 of 54
Square Community Moderator

Hey @232creative,


It looks like the advice in this thread is still the best way to connect a Squarespace site to Square. Hopefully some other sellers in this thread using this can chime in with some advice as well!


PS. I noticed it's your first post, welcome to the Seller Community 👋  🥳

Message 52 of 54

Thanks! Yeah I was hoping there was something a little more seamless now but doesn't appear there is.

Message 53 of 54

How can I link Sqaure to my Square to my Square Space website?

Message 54 of 54
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