
Square website versus other platforms

Hi there! I am new to the square world with building a service-based business. I previously had a bricks and mortar with off-site retail etc. So I'm familiar with that side of things. I'm currently looking at using Square as my main website to make everything easy. I am not website literate. I guess I'm looking for feedback on if I can have the same impact with SEO? Would I have the ability to customize the website fully as I would if I used a different system such as Wix? Do I still need a hosting website or would Square be it for me? I have registered a domain. Thanks so much for your help! 

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Hi there and welcome!


I spent a while researching different platforms and I'm glad I decided on Square for now. I needed a way to send recurring invoices, and the website/appointments feature was an interesting plus for me.

I actually started using the website by just testing it out. It is user-friendly. It took me some time to get used to how it's all organized, and what the different sections mean, but there are lots of simple tutorials and helpful pop-ups and forum posts to get me to the point I needed to get to. Took me about a week, an hour (give-or take) per day to feel like I had a handle on things.


There are a fair amount of customization options, including SEO features. You can transfer your domain to Square and have them take care of the hosting, so all-in-one, if you'd like.

I've run into some support issues but was able to get them resolved decently quickly. I've used the support articles, online chat, the forum, emails, and the phone... nothing off-putting or abnormal about the customer service. It's all been quite pleasant, in my case.

Trying out the free version would probably give you a good sense if it would be a fit for you or not. Best of luck!

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