
Square Online: Use Square for Instagram Shopping

With your Square Online site, you can connect your item library to your Instagram account to enable Instagram Shopping and make your posts shoppable. In this post, we’ll be sharing tips to help you make the most of your Instagram account and the steps to resolve some common issues. If you have any questions, feel free to share them below (along with your Instagram link!)



What do I need to connect to Instagram Shopping?


Before you get started, there are a few requirements that need to be met:


  • Your Instagram account must be a business account. If you are not sure if you have a business account already, you can check your Instagram profile settings and follow the steps here to set up a business account on Instagram to make the switch. 
  • Your Square Online site  must be published and you must have at least one available item. 


How do I connect Square to Instagram?


Connecting your Square Online site to Instagram takes only a few steps. From your Square Online Overview page, click Website > Instagram and follow all the steps outlined to connect Square Online to Instagram. Note: You’ll be directed to Facebook to complete the setup process since this is where you will manage your catalog and Instagram account. 


My account needs to be approved by Instagram - how long will this take?


Before you can start tagging your products, your account will need to be approved for Instagram Shopping. The review and approval process is handled entirely by Instagram so we don’t have a way to expedite a review or obtain any details. If you ever need help with your Instagram account itself, check out the Instagram Help Centre for answers to some of the common questions and issues.


What’s a Facebook Pixel? Why do I need this?


A Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that will help import your items on Square Online to a catalog on Instagram so you can access them when creating posts. The pixel will be installed automatically as part of your setup and you’ll need this to make sure you can show off available products.


Here’re some helpful troubleshooting tips for Facebook Pixel if you run into any issues. 


How can I set up my gift cards on Instagram?


To set up gift cards for your business on Instagram: 

  1. Go to your Instagram profile.
  2. Tap the Edit Profile button.
  3. Under Public Business Information, tap Action Buttons.
  4. Under Select a Button choose Gift Cards.
  5. Select a partner to sell your digital gift cards - you can add your free eGift Card site link here. If you haven’t already set up your egift cards with Square follow these steps and then add the link to your eGift Card site.
  6. After you’ve entered the website, tap Done.


Additional resources for Instagram:


️ Helen
Seller Community Manager

Message 1 of 5

How can I switch from the Instagram Shopping option to the full site option?

Message 2 of 5

Are you trying to disconnect Instagram from Square Online? @simplyhandmade

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 3 of 5

I connected my pixel a couple years ago and my products still do not have the “buy now” checkout option on Instagram. My shop items only say “view on website”. Can anyone please help? I would love for people to buy right thru IG! 

Message 4 of 5

Trying to set up facebook and instagram shopping, when setting up - Facebook is ok but the Instagram section says "not eligible", even though it is a business page. It doesn't explain why

Message 5 of 5
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