
I have been on here for weeks NO SALES!!!

I don't know what too do have integrated everything and zero help!!!

Gregory Mahler
Message 1 of 14
1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hey @Greg10 

What products or services do you sell?  What have you done/set up already?  Do you need help setting up or incorporating another square service? What is your current end goal?  What channels have you set up for sales?

Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
Check out Square support center for additional help.

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Message 2 of 14
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hey @Greg10 

What products or services do you sell?  What have you done/set up already?  Do you need help setting up or incorporating another square service? What is your current end goal?  What channels have you set up for sales?

Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
Check out Square support center for additional help.

Message 2 of 14

My end goal is too turn my passion into a thriving online business I love woodwork and over the last 25 years or so have perfected the craft I make furniture custom mad any style size and accessories towel racks tissue holders shelving etc. And yes I would absolutely love any and all help I can get that would be absolutely awesome! Thank You!!

Gregory Mahler
Message 3 of 14

Can you take a look at my site I signed up weeks ago and have integrated with google and multiple sites and I am not getting any sales!!! Can you take a look at my site and tell me what too do! mahlerfinewoodworks.square.site 

Gregory Mahler
Message 4 of 14

Hello mahlerfinewoodworks.square.site 

Gregory Mahler
Message 5 of 14

Help!! mahlerfinewoodworks.square.site 

Gregory Mahler
Message 6 of 14

Hello, I see your a super seller and I am trying too get this site up and running I have been on here for weeks and integrated and everything and I'm just about too give up not 1 sale nothing! Like can you take a look at my site and see maybe what j may be doing wrong! mahlerfinewoodworks.square.site thank you!!

Gregory Mahler
Message 7 of 14

Can you please help me!! I have been on here for weeks I have integrated with multiple sites and jn the last month I have not gotten 1 sale!! Please take a look at my site and tell me anything j can do! mahlerfinewoodworks.square.site  thank you!!

Gregory Mahler
Message 8 of 14
Square Champion

@Greg10 wrote:

My end goal is too turn my passion into a thriving online business I love woodwork and over the last 25 years or so have perfected the craft I make furniture custom mad any style size and accessories towel racks tissue holders shelving etc. And yes I would absolutely love any and all help I can get that would be absolutely awesome! Thank You!!

Thanks for the compliments.  I appreciate that.  So like @alexandriak  stated, what type of marketing do you do or have done.  Do you have a website, and do yo mind sharing the link to it?   How/ or what do you do or marketing locally?  You have a pretty unique market that you can cater to.  Just curious as well, what part of the country are you in? I only ask because people up my way make "ADK Furniture" and they do get a pretty penny for it also. 

Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
Check out Square support center for additional help.

Message 9 of 14

Hey sorry it's taken so long too get back too you!! And your very welcome and yes your right most custom furniture  and accessory makers do charge alot and it's justified but jm approaching it differently!! I mean I still want too grow my business and be successful, but I don't want too rake people over the coals! I mean I seriously love ❤ what I do and I want too share my craft and make furniture and decor! And yes my site is mahlerfinewoodworks.square.site visit comment and of course if you can help me grow that would be amazing!! 

Gregory Mahler
Message 10 of 14
Square Champion

@Greg10 wrote:

Hey sorry it's taken so long too get back too you!! And your very welcome and yes your right most custom furniture  and accessory makers do charge alot and it's justified but jm approaching it differently!! I mean I still want too grow my business and be successful, but I don't want too rake people over the coals! I mean I seriously love ❤ what I do and I want too share my craft and make furniture and decor! And yes my site is mahlerfinewoodworks.square.site visit comment and of course if you can help me grow that would be amazing!! 

@Greg10  I completely get where you are coming from, and respect not wanting to rake people over the coals, but just remember, your time is money.  People will pay for it if the want it, just don't sell yourself short on your time, its the most valuable thing we have. 

Some beautiful work you do.  I've been meaning to try making one of those river tables with live edge for quite some time, but ultimately time is not on my side.  


Given the size of most of these items, I assume shipping just isn't an option?  I mean I'm sure it is but shipping costs are always rising, let alone the possibility of something getting damaged in shipping just isn't a fun mess to deal with.


Most of your sales would come locally I'd guess correct?  Do you offer or consider "delivery up to xx amount of miles"?  Could be something to think about for larger items, and charge extra of course as needed. 


Growing your sales and site will take time.  It's nothing that is going to happen over night.  Have you thought about or made flyers or brochures to leave at other local business' around your area?  Word of mouth is still a powerful beast in this age of social media.  Social media is great for showcasing new products and info, but you'll probably just get a heart or thumb up vs an actual sale from someone local. 


I think that your products are great and our price point is perfectly fine to be honest. I've made some things similar to those, (before lumber prices went up) and its a fair price for sure.  Have you thought about doing a set of rounded river end tables? 


Edit** On your site, the bread box for example.  I see your pictures look exactly like the one on Pinterest.  I would remove those images that show the pinterest images, and showcase yours only

Scorpion Coating Plus,LLC
Square Super Seller
Check out Square support center for additional help.

Message 11 of 14

By the way I love your website amazing job! Really shows the kind of work u do and sell I really hope I can get mine too the point but as it stands right now I'm pretty confused I mean I thought my work would sell itself on here but I would really appreciate all the help you are able too give Thanks so much!

Gregory Mahler
Message 12 of 14
Square Champion

This isn't a platform like eBay. You're going to need to do your own marketing and advertising to drive people to your business. 

What advertising have you done?

My Girlfriend's Wardrobe est. 2012

Preston & jayne est. 2023

Downtown York Pa

Square user since 2012
Message 13 of 14

Basically buying Facebook ads is pretty much it

Gregory Mahler
Message 14 of 14
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