
Square Debit Card Delivered to Wrong Address – What Are My Next Steps?

Good Morning all,


I have a concern.....I recently enrolled for a business checking where all my sales was immediately transferred to my new card. It was delivered yesterday but to the wrong apt. I went to said apt and the resident stated any mail they get that's not theirs will be left in the mail room. I went down and it wasn't there. I added the card to the wallet on my phone and called the business team but they're closed until Monday. 


  1. Has anyone been through this before?
  2. What should I do next?
  3. Will I get a new card?


The title of this thread has been edited from the original by a Community Moderator to help with searching threads. 



Message 1 of 3
1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hey @GeminiGem,


Thanks for being a member of the Community.


It’s unfortunate that your Square Debit Card was delivered to the wrong address. The best thing to do in the meantime is to lock the card in your Square account to prevent unauthorized use. You can do this from the Square Dashboard or the Square app under Balance > Square Checking > Manage Card.


After you locked your card please select Card and Checking Support from the Square checking page on the Square POS app and then select one reasons from options provided to deactivate the exist card and then reorders a new card.


You can learn more about recording and managing your Square Debit Card here.


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Message 2 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hey @GeminiGem,


Thanks for being a member of the Community.


It’s unfortunate that your Square Debit Card was delivered to the wrong address. The best thing to do in the meantime is to lock the card in your Square account to prevent unauthorized use. You can do this from the Square Dashboard or the Square app under Balance > Square Checking > Manage Card.


After you locked your card please select Card and Checking Support from the Square checking page on the Square POS app and then select one reasons from options provided to deactivate the exist card and then reorders a new card.


You can learn more about recording and managing your Square Debit Card here.


Message 2 of 3

Thanks so much for your feedback @RobynR. Sorry for my late response. I in fact reached out to customer service and they assisted me in deactivating the lost card and I ordered a replacement that's on the way. But again now I know how to do it myself  thanks to the steps you provided above. 

Message 3 of 3