
[Important – Please Read] Update to Square KDS on iPad

Last month, we launched Square KDS on Android, offering sellers larger devices that display up to 10 more tickets than an iPad, and offering 45% less expensive 10” devices. We’ve also released exciting new features on Android that add control over ticket filtering by dining type (i.e. dine-in vs. to-go) and item category (i.e. hot, cold, mains). 


Moving forward, we have decided to shift our product focus to Android. Doing so will allow us to bring you even more functionality, faster. As part of this, we will only build new KDS features on Android, which means your current experience using Square KDS will stay the same; but your iOS device will no longer receive updates to the app. In addition to this, one year from now, we will deprecate Square KDS on iOS app on June 12, 2024. 


What does this mean for you? 

You will continue to have access to the Apple Store app until June 12, 2024. At that point, Square KDS will only be available through the Google Play app from an Android device. You can move to the enhanced version of the app from an Android device. There will be no change to your monthly subscription cost to Square. 


Recommended Next Steps


  1. We recommend trying out at least one Android device this year, to experience the updated app firsthand and try out the new hardware. 
  2. Download the Google Play app on an Android device to activate the app. More info here
  3. As you move off of your iPad, you always have the option of recycling your device with Apple to get value back — if you don’t have another use for it. 


All devices on Shop come with a 30-day return policy, so you can buy and try without a commitment. 


Your Android Hardware Options


  • Repurpose an existing Android device, as long as it is at least 2GB GB RAM, OS 9+ device, and 8-inch or larger screen. 
  • Choose an Android touchscreen display available on Square Shop. The 22” screens are over 2x the size of your iPads, so you may be able to consolidate your total device count per location.* 
  • If you like your 10” iPad, consider a same-sized device like a Galaxy Tab A8 or Lenovo M10 that is 45% less expensive than an iPad. If you feel strongly about staying on iOS, we will have a partner recommendation next year. Hang tight. 

How is Android Different from iOS? 

The Square KDS app for Android has all the same functionality you’ve been using on the iOS and more, with features like routing by kitchen category and dining option, exclusively available on Android.


“The new screen sizes on Android are over double the size of the Apple devices we were using before. Our kitchen staff went from 10” iPads to a 22” screen with a very similar user experience.”

- Roberto Montalvo, GM of El Ponce


Get Started with Square KDS on Android

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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