
Feature Request - Hide item variations from appearing on Square Online website

Hello, I started selling online just two variants of each products.

Now I have a real physical presence (shop) I have more variants available to customers that are not suitable to sell online.

However, when I set these variants up in Square pay (not in weebly), they also appear in the online eshop.  Customers are ordering these online in weebly, when Ive not set them up here, which is embarrassing to say they are not available and having to refund them.

How can variants be added to items in squarepay and NOT appear as options in the eshop.

thanks for your help.


Message 1 of 6
1 Best Answer

Best Answer

thanks Seamus, as always you're a great resource of info.,


FYI , I got a reply from square themselves that also suggested a work around to "unsyc".

Thought you and others might find it useful.



Thanks for reaching out, I'm more than happy to help you out!

Unfortunately there isn't an option to be able to have your items sync with your Square Online website and not include the variations that you already have included with each item. Your best option would be to remove the option to sync your items between your Square dashboard and Square online.

There are a few settings that you can toggle on and off for your Square sync and these can be found in Square Online Overview page > Settings > Square sync.

Reference the chart below to see what does and does not sync.

Does Sync Does NOT Sync
Item details Tax settings
Item variations & modifiers Shipping settings
Primary image Sale prices
Stock Coupons
Deleted items Categories (can be imported one time, but do not continuously sync)
Sales & orders
Business locations

Removing item sync will allow you to remove variations on your Square Online website without permanently removing them from your items on your dashboard. Doing this means that you would have to manually input any changes between the items twice (once on your dashboard and once through your website) but this would be the best solution for your issue. 


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Message 5 of 6

Hey @BrewMountains,


Thanks for getting in touch.


It looks like the ability to hide item variations isn't currently available. The workaround would be to make 2 items within your inventory, one with the variation available and one without, then hide the version with variations from appearing in the online store. The downside is that inventory would be tracked separately, however this may be preferable to selling a variation that you won't be able to fulfill.


I'll use this thread to track this feature request moving forward.

Square, Australia
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Message 2 of 6

Hi Semus,

Could this be added as a enhancement?

Adding each variant of an item as a new independent item would make my viewing screen very cluttered.



Message 3 of 6

Hey @BrewMountains,


It potentially could be in the future, however I don't have an ETA as to if or when - we take feedback on new feature requests via the Seller Community and pass on to the appropriate product teams, but I wouldn't be the person ultimately making the call here or deciding if it will find a place in our product development road map. Your use case makes sense to me, however this is the first of its kind I recall seeing to date. I've edited the title of this thread to note it's a feature request, and if I see new posts of the same nature I'll merge them into this one so we can keep better track of the request and seller feedback. 


You can read more about how Square handles features requests here. In the meantime I've not heard of this one coming in the short term, so it's probably worth looking at the workaround for now even if it is a bit of a pain to do so!

Square, Australia
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Message 4 of 6

Best Answer

thanks Seamus, as always you're a great resource of info.,


FYI , I got a reply from square themselves that also suggested a work around to "unsyc".

Thought you and others might find it useful.



Thanks for reaching out, I'm more than happy to help you out!

Unfortunately there isn't an option to be able to have your items sync with your Square Online website and not include the variations that you already have included with each item. Your best option would be to remove the option to sync your items between your Square dashboard and Square online.

There are a few settings that you can toggle on and off for your Square sync and these can be found in Square Online Overview page > Settings > Square sync.

Reference the chart below to see what does and does not sync.

Does Sync Does NOT Sync
Item details Tax settings
Item variations & modifiers Shipping settings
Primary image Sale prices
Stock Coupons
Deleted items Categories (can be imported one time, but do not continuously sync)
Sales & orders
Business locations

Removing item sync will allow you to remove variations on your Square Online website without permanently removing them from your items on your dashboard. Doing this means that you would have to manually input any changes between the items twice (once on your dashboard and once through your website) but this would be the best solution for your issue. 


Message 5 of 6

Hey @BrewMountains,


I hadn't actually considered un-syncing the two inventories - that makes a lot of sense, thank you for sharing the workaround!

Square, Australia
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Message 6 of 6