
Can I stop same day delivery orders automatically?

Is there a way to automatically stop receiving same day orders?


My product needs at least 1 business day and I have to manually block the day first thing every morning and sometimes I forget!!! 🤪

Message 1 of 4

Hey @Inflorescence,


Have you had a look at some of the delivery fulfillment options via your Square Online overview?


If you go to Fulfillment > Pickup and Delivery > Edit Location > Order Timing you can changes things like prep time and whether or not customers are able to select their own delivery times:


Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions 🙂


Square, Australia
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Message 2 of 4

Hi Seamus

Thanks for your response.

I have tried this option, but encounter an issue.  I'll try and explain as clearly as I can.

My business for example can deliver flowers 4 days a week - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

My issue is I cannot accept same day orders so at the present moment to stop this I have to enter the site and manually block the day on the day - when I remember!!

If I apply the above method that you suggested it works but not perfectly.  For example today is MONDAY but the system for some reason is blocking out Wednesday and not allowing customers to place orders until Thursday 

Also I tried another route.  When asked "Calculate & assign delivery times automatically" - I selected NO. 
This is actually a better option for me as it doesn't hold me to a specific delivery timeframe however in this instance the customer cannot select a delivery date unless I add it into the modifiers on the specific item which is a little tedious for multiple items

Thanks in advance

Message 3 of 4

@Inflorescence hmmmm, it might be worth getting in touch with support to take more of a holistic look into your account setup - they'll be able to log into the back end and check through multiple settings such as prep time, opening hours, delivery times and how they interact with each other.


Do you know if there is a certain time after which the orders are being pushed to the following day? One thought is that perhaps if an order is placed after your close of business (say 10pm) then maybe the system considers a day's prep time to be 10pm the next day, in which case you're not open and it may push the order forward to the next day. Though that's just a guess! Support should be able to take a better look at this one for you.


You can call support on 1800 760 137 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Melbourne time), or contact us via online chat or email:


1. Sign in to your Square account

2. Head to our contact page https://squareup.com/help/au/en/contact

3. Go to "More" then "I don't see my issue"

4. Click "Message us" or "Email us"


If there ends up being no elegant solution, we have a feature request thread that would address some of these sorts of issues too - hopefully we'll see some additional features to account for these needs in the coming year. 

Square, Australia
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Message 4 of 4