I want to see the pictures that I have already uploaded. Where do I go to see them?
For the classic Weebly drag and drop website editor, we don't currently provide a way to view images that you've uploaded. You can download an archive of your site which will include all images you've already uploaded, though, and you can also copy image elements to other pages so you don't need to upload the same image again.
With the newer Square Online editor, when you add an image you are given the choice to use images or logos you've uploaded before in addition to some other options.
Another vote for an image library like Wordpress does. It does seem rather UN-user-friendly to have to re-load each time!
Is there anyway of having an image above the main header image? I am looking to add an image for a call me function. First time ever using Weebly for a clients already existing account here.
This website buikder is dreadfully old fashioned.
Id be able to manual code quickier than getting a website from weebly!
Hi @developer2019 I believe there is an app in the App Center you can use although I can't recall off the top of my head if it places the number at the top of the screen. The only other option you would have is to add the content using custom code. Weebly employees cannot assist with code help, but there are many users on here that can.
I'm new to Weebly and cannot believe that there is not a file manager. I am currently shifting some images around on my site and find it unbelievable that I have to re-upload big header images. I honestly can't remember if the Pro plan has unlimited storage space, but I bet it doesn't which means I'm eventually going to run out of space because I've uploaded THE SAME IMAGES multiple times.
Put me down for the file manager feature request.
Thanks for the feedback. You shouldn't run into a space issue, either. The accounts are unlimited.
DITTO..NEED a file manager to MANAGE site images. WOEFULLY archaic and BURDENSOME to PAYING Clients.
Another request for File / Image Manager access to bulk upload files, and view , thanks.
I too am looking for an Image Library. I have uploaded several images and I only want to use one of them. I'd like to keep an orderly set of images not a hodgepodge of old and new. So, yet another vote for an Image Library or some readily apparent means of managing images associated with the website I am working on. It's nice that Weebly is integrated with SquareUp as my client needs Square for their restaurant business. I do wish that Weebly was a bit more full featured. In my eyes main competition here is Squarespace and WordPress.
Guys I myself not a great product manager.
But seriously Weebly SUCKS. Whoever decided on the features, salute to that guy.
You are gonna lose a paid customer due to this feature (and whole lot of other flaws).
Another request for File / Image Manager access to bulk upload files, and view , thanks.
Please delete off your servers permanently. Why is it still there after I DELETED IT OFF MY SITE?
I guess evena fter deletion they keep your data on their severs guys.
Isnt there a law ine urope where I am against this like gdpr or data privacy laws?
Maybe we should do a class action and take weebly to couty. contact me at [personal information removed] if you are down.
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