
Transferring a website to another person

I’m not particularly computer bright, so may just be missing something, but I do need some help.

I have been using Weebly for this website (cubscoutpack248.weebly.com ) for a number of years, basically without problems.  It is now time for me to move on from this Cub Scout organization and I need to turn the site over to my replacements.

I also have my name imbedded in the system so that I am the contact when someone goes to the “contact” tab on the website.  I need to get this changed as well.  Somehow “gmail” is involved in this part of the process.  I can’t seem to get into the gmail account and put another forwarding address.

I think when I got involved several years ago someone else must have added my information and now I can’t figure out how to change it to another person.

Apparently my name is associated with the website so when I try to get into the site it opens it and the site is ready for editing.  However when I click on contact it simply opens an email form addressed to CubScoutPack248Killeen@gmail.com.  I ultimately get the email in my email box (above).  It apparently has been forwarded to me, but I can’t discover how to forward it to someone else.

I don’t hear well, so phone is not a good option but I need some help.

Joe Button


Message 1 of 8

Hello @Joe-Pack248!

I see within your account that the cubscoutpack248.weebly.com site is the only one built, so you could perhaps simply change the email address associated with the account and set the password to something simple you can then pass along to the new owner.  I think that will be your easiest course of action.

To accomplish this, what you would do is log in to your Weebly account and then click on your name in the upper right of the main account dashboard.  You'll see a drop-down menu appear with an Account option.  Click that.

Then click the Edit Profile link on the upper left.  There you'll be able to change the account email address to the new owner's, and you can change the password there as well.  Then you would just supply the password to the new owner so they can log in, change the password to something more secure, and edit the site.

They will also need to go into the site editor and click to edit any contact forms on the site and change the email address, so that the email address to which form entries are sent is updated to their own instead of yours.

Please keep in mind that the email address to which you change the account must not already be in use by any other Weebly account.  If you attempt to change the account email address and it won't allow you to do so, you may need to reach out to the new owner to determine another email address to use.

Message 9 of 8

OK, I did all of that.  I used an email the person had already established so I did not change the password. 

Now, I need to be able to give the new person instructions on how to get into the website to make any changes they would like to make.

Message 9 of 8

@Joe-Pack248 wrote:

OK, I did all of that.  I used an email the person had already established so I did not change the password. 

Now, I need to be able to give the new person instructions on how to get into the website to make any changes they would like to make.

You'll want to give them the email address and password for the account so they can go to Weebly.com and log in with it.  You might want to change the password prior to doing that if it's a personal password of your own, though.

Message 9 of 8

I'm trying to change the email address of this account, but it won't let me. I had an account on the other email address and I deleted it. Now when i try changing the email address, it says that the email is still in use by an account. I can't log into the account because weebly says it's deleted. Help?

Message 9 of 8

Can you send me a private message with the email address of the account you deleted, K_U? I can free the email address up for you.

Message 9 of 8

How do you change the ownership of one website not the whole account?

Message 9 of 8

Hi @Tanman You will need to submit a ticket to support from the account with the site, and you will want to request to move the site out of your site into a new account. The rep will reply back giving you your options and will alert you of any caveats regarding the move. If you agree to the move, the rep will have you supply a brand new email that is not in use in our system. Once moved, the new account owner will be alerted and provided a temporary password. 

You can submit a support ticket if you scroll down to the bottom of our help center: https://www.weebly.com/app/help/us/en

Let me know if you have any more questions regarding the move. Smiley Happy 

Message 9 of 8
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