
Replacing a Theme Background Image

I dont know why I cant get this to work. I replace a backgound image and it displays fine in the weebly site but i go and archive it for a local copy / to work offline and the images do not show up. What are the paths that these pictures need to be located in??? ...

I  followed these steps...

  1. Uploaded the background images by going to “Theme –> Edit HTML/CSS –> Assets --> Upload new files“. and uploaded bg1.png
  2. Went to the “Pages” Tab that i want the background image to be on and clicked SEO and added the following html under the “Header Code” <style type=”text/css”> body {background:url(‘/files/theme/bg1.png’) repeat;} </style>
  3. This should set bg1.png as background for this particular page only.

Am i missing something? Upon extracting the zip, the image is in the appropriate folder

Other times I see something like...

<div  class="wsite-section wsite-header-section wsite-section-bg-image" style="height: 299px;background-image: url(&quot;/uploads/1/1/2/4/112476179/background-images/1705838557.jpg&quotSmiley Wink ;background-repeat: no-repeat ;background-position: 50% 50% ;background-size: 100% ;background-color: transparent ;background-size: cover;" >

Where 1705838557.jpg doesnt even exist, and im not sure where that even is referenced. 

Please help

Message 1 of 7

The latter image is a the background image for a section uploaded through the editor; those should be included with the site export. I haven't looked at an export in a while so it's possible that directory structure in the export isn't quite the same as it is on the live site. The export is meant more as a backup than as something you can use as a functional site, though.

Message 8 of 7

Thanks for the response.

Cutting out the numerous failed attempts, what are the correct steps to take a background image / header (from a standard page format) and change the picture.... Then export that page to work offline AND have the image show up???? Im finding it difficult to find the path that is being pointed to to reference the picture.

Message 8 of 7

Hi @jimihendrix857 The site should be edited in the builder while online. What types of edits are you trying to make to the image offline?

Message 8 of 7

Hi @Bernadette, All photo edits / changes / replacements / etc  are being done while in the editor and online. Please help fix the issue I am having. While I can use a URL to import and display a new picture, if i use the SAME method and the SAME URL wile trying to change a background image, I get the error.

Message 8 of 7

Is there a reason you don't want to just upload the new image from your computer?

Message 8 of 7

Hi @Adam, Referencing back to my original question....While the upload of the new image worked, I could not get it to display when taking the page offline. So I was looking for alternate methods where as i could use a "URL" and reference a local copy of an image...BUT i couldnt even get the URL method to work while online with a active and validated weblink to a good image.

When you upload an image where is it stored?

What the HTML code for making a background image span the width of the page at set to particular hieght?

Message 8 of 7
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