
two locations two bank accounts

Hi, I have set up two locations with different bank accounts as Items we sell go to one or the other.

I cant however seem to get the 2nd account to accept items (they show unavailable or say there's no price - when there is). Bank accounts have been verified

I am using a free account. Should this work for me?


Thanks in advance

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Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @P1LFC, I'm sorry for all the confusion. I understand that you wish to have certain items available only online. Here's what you can do. 


First of all, your item library is the right place to assign all your items to the correct location. Before assigning to a location, please check which location is linked to your Square Online store. To check this, please go to your Square Online Overview page for https://witton-albion-football-club-limited.square.site/ and go to Shared Settings > General. Under the Store Information, the company name is your location name. 


While you're on the Overview page > Shared Settings, please go to Items sync and enable Sync item descriptions. This way the changes you make to the items from your Dashboard will be reflected in your Online Store. The inventory will also sync automatically. 


Once you know which location is linked to your website, please make sure all the items you want to have on your website are assigned to that location. To do so, you will need to return to the Main Dashboard > Items. 


In regards to the bank account, all your payments for items available in one location will be transferred to the bank account linked to that location. To check the transactions for each location, please go to Transactions on your Dashboard or Square app and filter by location. 


If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Community Manager, Square

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Message 10 of 12
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Hey @P1LFC, welcome to the Seller Community 🙂 


I just wanted to confirm some details so we can best troubleshoot here. You have set up two Square Online sites and would like the sales for each to go into different accounts? 


When you can, please run through the steps listed in this article Manage Multiple Websites with Square Online


Some features and settings are shared among all websites in your account, while some are site-specific, so it sounds like you may need to edit some settings on the second site. 


It's important to ensure both sites are published also. 


Let me know how these steps go, I'll keep an eye out for your response! 



Community Moderator, Ireland, Square
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Message 2 of 12
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Hi @Breffni Alegra, many thanks for your reply.

I have 1 online site, which has two locations linked to two different bank accounts.
All items items will be sold at one or the other. Items will never be in both.

I know I could set 2 sites for this, but would rather just one.

Message 3 of 12
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Square Champion

Hey @P1LFC - I'm reading between the lines so might have your set up muddled up a little!

When you have items from two different locations in your online store you can't currently order both at the same time. If you order items from one location, then you'd be blocked from checking out from the other location. 

It's worth double checking in your settings (online) that the items shown as not available are set up for shipping & that you have duplicated the shipping settings for your other location within the online dash (as you're shipping from two locations they both need the shipping details). 

There are some limitations you'll hit, such as the checking out - but this should totally work for you on the free account that you're using. 

If the above doesn't fix it (or I've just not made any sense!) then it would be good to have a link to your site too. 

Message 4 of 12
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Hi, I'm still dtruggling to get this to work.  I've tried everything 🙄 Its driving me mad! 
Here's a link to my site https://witton-albion-football-club-limited.square.site/

Any help 'greatly' appreciated! 🙂

Message 5 of 12
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @P1LFC, just stepping in for Alegra here. Sorry to hear that, sounds maddening alright!


I just checked your website and was able to place items into the basket, as well as view their price. If the issue is still happening on your end, could you provide some examples of which items are causing you trouble? 


Additionally,  please follow the steps listed in this article to attempt troubleshooting non-visible items on your Square Online Website.


Let me know how you get on with the above. I'd be happy to further investigate if the issue persists. 😊

Message 6 of 12
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Hi @k_atie and thanks. The issue is, I am selling online only for a football club which is split in 2. Football side and social club side.
I need each side to go to a different bank account, so have created 2 locations.

What you can see is just the primary location. (Football) I cant add items for the second location (social) as they appear out of stock and unavailable. (Note items in primary only sell in primary and secondary only in secondary (location))
I had help on the telephobe today and they just made the item available in all locations which doent help as that would send the money to the primary account.


Am I making sense?  

Remember this is online only no physical POS


Message 7 of 12
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Square Community Moderator

Hey @P1LFC, thanks so much for the detailed explanation, this was a great help in my investigation. Apologies for the late response, I had to do some digging into this. 


So this feature is definitely available on Square Online. If you have multiple locations, the items will only show as available at the relevant locations listed on the Square item library. After purchase, funds from the money will go to the location's associated bank account. 


You should not though, this function will only be available when using Delivery, Pickup, and Self-Serve to fulfill orders. If you are using Shipping as a fulfillment method, you will only be able to ship from one location, which you set up under Fulfillment > Shipping > Ship From.


Hope that helps!

Message 8 of 12
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Thanks again @k_atie , still cant get it to work.

I have 1 site with 2 locations each with there own bank account. Each location sells different items from the other.
This should definately work?
Theres seems to be two main blockers, stock & availability.

I spoke to Square over the phone. To get it to work they added items that should just be in the secondary location to the first too. This allowed them to be placed on the site but surely this just defeats the object?

I'm so confused and a little frustrated. This shouldn't be this difficult, surely? 🙂


                                                                                       1 SITE



Location ALocation B
BankAccount ABank Account B



Message 9 of 12
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Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @P1LFC, I'm sorry for all the confusion. I understand that you wish to have certain items available only online. Here's what you can do. 


First of all, your item library is the right place to assign all your items to the correct location. Before assigning to a location, please check which location is linked to your Square Online store. To check this, please go to your Square Online Overview page for https://witton-albion-football-club-limited.square.site/ and go to Shared Settings > General. Under the Store Information, the company name is your location name. 


While you're on the Overview page > Shared Settings, please go to Items sync and enable Sync item descriptions. This way the changes you make to the items from your Dashboard will be reflected in your Online Store. The inventory will also sync automatically. 


Once you know which location is linked to your website, please make sure all the items you want to have on your website are assigned to that location. To do so, you will need to return to the Main Dashboard > Items. 


In regards to the bank account, all your payments for items available in one location will be transferred to the bank account linked to that location. To check the transactions for each location, please go to Transactions on your Dashboard or Square app and filter by location. 


If you have any questions, please let me know. 

Community Manager, Square
Message 10 of 12
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Thanks @Emma_ , so I think we've got to the bottom of it. Sounds like I'm being stupid 🙂

You said "please check which location is linked to your Square Online store" , so only one location can be linked to your online store, thus one bank account??

So I have to create another online store for the other 'location'? (Which is in reality the same location just has items that are sold using a different bank)

Message 11 of 12
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Square Community Moderator

Yes @P1LFC, one location can be linked to one bank account and one online store. You can link the second location to the second online store. Here is more information about managing multiple websites with Square Online.  

Community Manager, Square
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