Square Champion

View only customers permissions not being carried into Transactions. Bug?

View only customers permissions not being carried into Transactions. Bug?


Hi @tranguyen 


I've noticed if a user's Customers permissions is set to view-only rights, he can still edit Customers if he accesses them via Transactions. This is therefore a loophole that requires closing. Please inform your product team.


Thank you

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Hi @nella, thanks for flagging this! 


I'm testing out a few things on my end and I would like to get a bit more information to make sure I'm not missing anything and so that I can raise this to the appropriate team for it to be resolved as well. Can you let me know:

  • Is this happening when the Team Member view Transactions on their Dashboard or within the Square Point of Sale app?
  • Within their permission for Customers, aside from View customers, is there anything else that's ticked for them?
  • Aside from Customers, are they granted any other permission?

For context, when I test this on my end, I create a team member profile who only has the ability to view all completed sales transactions from all team members and view customers. Under this permission, I wasn't able to see any customer information when viewing Transactions on Dashboard. I was able to add a customer to sale when ringing up a payment on the Square Point of Sale app, but it ask me for a four-digit code if I try to tap the edit button, and all the information were blanked out. As such, I want to double-check with you to be sure I can reproduce this issue and flag it. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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