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H1 Headers Missing



I am trying to get to the bottom of why I have so many errors on my SEO from what Google is telling me and what SEO Improvement companies are flagging when I check my site. 


On my homepage I have some of my "Section Titles" and "Category Titles" in Size "title 1" which I presume is equivalent to H1?


However both Google and every SEO checker report that my page contains no H1 text which is severely impacting my page ranking. How do we amend this? 



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Further to this - its seems they are unable to read any actual content on the site? How do we fix this? 




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Hi @tranguyen 

Can you comment on the issue of Google search returning a 0 word count on the site? I am experiencing this same issue. I have content but Google is not registering the content. The page/URL shows on search as well as the SEO title and description, but the word count shows 0. 



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Square Community Moderator

Hi @KingTechnicalAp, I'm just stepping in for @Tra here, can you share a link to your website and where it said the content is 0. We can check with our team to see if they have come across this before. 

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Hi @signature_home, thanks for raising this!


I'm currently checking in with the team about the content not being read by the SEO checker, but I should be able to help with the H1 header in the meantime.


So the section titles are actually not H1. Section titles are typically H3. From looking into this, the only H1 element on the homepage would actually be the banner headline, which you can configure within your Square Online site overview. 


Screenshot 2021-04-13 at 11.31.37.png


Screenshot 2021-04-13 at 11.31.48.png



I hope this will help somewhat!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Hi @tranguyen - thanks for getting back to me quickly... That's great, so I can definately improve my homepage. However could we request that we have the option to classify either the Product Name as H1... OR in the Product Description area have the ability to set text to either Body/Paragraph AND H1. 


This will then allow search engines and SEO checkers to identify content. As at the moment they aren't able to read text or headings in any category or product pages - which then ranks my site low. In addition to the slow load times ( i think due to unnecessary scripts and large image rendering times). 


For now the ability to have control in the text edit box for the Product Pages will improve my site somewhat in terms of page rankings.... but we really can't wait months for this. Competition is tough at any time but more so now in the UK we are starting to unlock and people flock to shops ... leaving us small online operators vulnerable and competing more so with the bigger companies! 


I have invested a lot of time into setting Square Online up for my store ... I don't really want to have to spend time moving across to Shopify or similar because they have the features we are lacking here. It would be more re-assuring for me to get a "we can't implement this within the next 12 months" rather than "we are working on it soon but can't give a date response". It gives your customers more clarity / real expectations 🙂 

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Add a random piece of custom HTML and place in it 

<h1>   </h1>

see if that fixes this error!

Matt - He/They
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Whilst that might work for say my homepage - it would unfortunately not resolve the issue on my product pages..


@tranguyen was there any feedback from your team regarding this? 

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Apology for the delayed reply here @signature_home!


From conversation with the team, the ability to add H1 header to product page is not something our platform currently support and is something we can table as a feature request.


However, the team also mentioned that even without H1, your site should still rank perfectly as sites will be able to pull content and keywords, which are more important than headings. This is a pretty interesting article that I found that might come handy


Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Hi i would like to clear a lot of this up if i may, a lot of people take these webpage test sites as gospel, a lot of these sites use the old HTML Text based platforms, my old site is one of these, however newer more powerful sites like the big companies use a HTML image codec based system, non of these test sites and webpage test sites are capable of reading this yet, hence there is a conflict of errors and what appears to be problems with speed, try any of the large sites and see how band there sites are on these test sites, just as bad if not worse, as for the speed issue a lot of people are seeing from google page speed etc this is because all of these sites base the speed of where the main server is located to, for Square it is in San Francisco so if like me you are in the UK it will show up as awful as you may already know, this again is false, google and any other speed test site can not read CDN server systems which like with live TV broadcastings beams from its main server to a satellite system which connects all over the Globe giving you a strong fast and mostly reliable service everywhere which is superior to just being beamed from one Country like it used to be up to about 2 years ago, and as for H Tags google no longer look at these as a measure of importance as 98% of sites have H Tags that are all over the show and cannot be read as should be header being number 3 number 5 being first and so on, hope this clears up a lot for a lot of people on hear that are concerned about their sites due to using outdated so called website analyser test sites and even google page speed is not up to date with reading newer sites, read their small print on the test page it's not based in real world moment

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If you are in doubt still about your website performance a more true method of testing it would be with a site called rankwatch, this is a webpage analyser, some things on there are great, just remember ultimately the most important parts of a page are the title and description length, for a title you want to use less than 65 spaces ( not just letters as a gap between words counts as well ) and the title description is best below 150 spaces, if you can't do this then try to minimise the above as best as possible, you will get a more realistic result with your square online site speed as well, as rankwatch finds the host server unlike google page speed or GTMetrix which uses their own CDN based servers to find the nearest one from your chosen destination, which should show a result of anything between A+ to A- for most Square sites speed which is a more realistic outlook of your sites speed, anything else on rankwatch is ok to look into but is not really needed as it still falls into some of the problems other webpage analytic sites have with CDN based sites, so nice to look into but not really anything to worry to much about as there will always be some areas these type of sites will say are a problem for you because they want you to pay for their use in a more ( so called ) detailed way, but really the above mentioned is all you need to know if your site is really doing the best it can to get higher on search engine results, if you want to go further the best way of keeping a check on your overall performance is not to go with google analytics as alot of people will tell you to do ( it's just the easy thing to say to sound like they know what they are talking about ) but go on google search console, join up, link your site to it and wait for google to index your whole site, you will need to put an xml sitemap on for google to index, just go to sitemap category on google search console and enter your sites name followed by /sitemap.xml, so it looks like this when you add it https://www.yoursitename.co.uk/sitemap.xml, and you're all set and ready to be fully indexed by google, it can take around 5 to 10 days for everything to get going and can take longer to get full results like performance traffic etc to be added, but just leave it to do it's own thing and between a month to 2 months you will start to see it all come together, you will be able to see where your pages are ranked on google, tips on how to improve everything with your site if you want, once you submit the sitemap xml you don't need to do anything else like keep submitting the sitemap again and again, google will do it every few days and update anything new that has been added to your site, the longer you leave the sitemap alone the more impressions you will get and the quicker your page speed will become over time (albeit only slightly), using both rankwatch and google search console is without doubt the best 2 tools you can use to check your sites health and speed the most accurately and you don't need so called experts trying to say there is something wrong with your site when in reality there more than likely is not ( but if there is google search console will tell you and explain how to fix these issues yourself, sorry for the long added reply but this is something that a lot of people do seem to have trouble with and needs to be explained in simple terms

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