Square Champion

Bug in Square HubSpot integration that duplicates address lines

In certain circumstances deleted parts of an address keep coming back; no matter how many times we edit the address in Directory a few minutes later it reverts to the previous, incorrect state.


We understand it to be that the Square/HubSpot integration fails when the Address Line 2 (in Square) and County line (in Square) are utilised. For the former, Address Line 2 does not feature in Hubspot as a field in its own right, so Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 are amalgamated in the integration sync and appear in the 'Street Address' field in HubSpot. The problem is that too often the sync gets itself into a mess, for reasons we can't explain, and duplicates the Address Line 2 value and then this appears in both Square and HubSpot.


We have various examples (which we can't share here because they show our customers' home addresses).


What we can say is that if no value appears in 'County' line in Square then somehow, for reasons we can't explain "England" appears in HubSpot and then this is synced back to Square, hence you see "England" in various customer records in the County field. This makes no sense and is unwanted. If we delete "England" or the duplicated value in Address Line 1 in either Square or HubSpot they reappear a matter of minutes later in both applications. It seems no matter what we do, we can't get rid of these unwanted parts.

We wonder also if the absence of 'Country' in the integration is also playing its part in this issue. Often, the country in HubSpot is recorded as United States (presumably that is the default for new contacts) and United Kingdom in Square. N.B. All our customers have UK addresses so HubSpot shows incorrect information in this regard.


Thank you.

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