
Updates to Return/Exchanges?

Did I miss something? We processed an exchange today and when the receipt printed, it didn't show the new items - It only showed the original items - not the items that the customer actually left with after their exchange - BUT it also showed a refund amount (customer originally purchased 3 items, exchanged 2 and returned one, so they were owed a little back...). Afterwards, we noticed the original transaction and the exchange transaction both have the same Receipt # assigned, AND if we were to try to return or exchange one of the new items the customer got today, we only had the option to enter an dollar amount for a return - no option to select specific items and have the system auto calculate the amount/sales tax etc. 

Was there an update recently that changed this? If so, I would like to vote to roll it back - the prior version was MUCH better. My team & I really dislike this change to the return/exchange process.... 

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Square Community Moderator

Hello @CLW,


Firstly, thank you for being an active member of the Community.


Secondly, I'd like to confirm if you were logged into the Square for Retail app when processing this return. If so, could you verify whether you selected the option for return or exchange?


Please feel free to also refer to this article on processing returns or exchanges with Square for Retail.

Message 2 of 3

Yes, we were using Square for Retail - the option selected was "Return or Exchange". 

Message 3 of 3
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