
Multiple businesses with ONE Square gift card

Many posts over the years have wondered how to make a co-op visible to Square, so that (for example) a Square Gift Card could work across several businesses... with no success at getting a working arrangement.  An example would be the Farmer's Market where we sell... everyone uses Square there, and if we could sell Gift Cards that could be used at any stall in the market, such that each vendor would be registered to the card and get properly credited for a sale where they swiped the card, it would be great!  Our customers could tank up their card, and use it all over, making sales smoother and maybe bigger!  But... no it seems.


Yesterday in the snail mail, Square sent me a fancy 2025 brochure about all their goodies and on the last page labeled Quick Tips said this: "Partner with local businesses to create a gift card co-op that boosts community shopping and expands your customer base."  Hey, wow! Just what we wanted.... and now I've searched everywhere on the site and still can find nothing about how to do that.  


So there it is: How do we do this, Square? Make this easy for us please. As simple as a new Gift Card that is smart enough to recognize that when scanned it looks to see whether the account that scanned it is part of the group/co-op the card was purchased from, and credits the order to the right vendor.  Or a new co-op/group account that has no transactions of its own, but solely exists to offer gift cards and distribute proceeds appropriately...  whatever works for you, just please get this done, or better, tell me it's already done but you just don't have the documentation quite finished yet.  🙂 

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one week later, 250 views, no replies. anybody else work at a craft/farm market and think this is a good idea? I could add links to the previous forum posts about this, going back some years now. but it was the Square mailing that suggested exactly this that got me to post about it.

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