
Acceptance of shifts, confirmation

Is there a way to get confirmation or acceptance that a Team Member has accepted a shift that you as a manager has added? Or, notification if they rejected it?

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Square Champion

@SMParizo It is hard to get a confirmation, the system works by sending an e-mail to the person whose schedule you change, so they do get notified.  If they are using the square teams app, it will also give them a notification if they have push notifications available.  They don't have a way currently to say: "yes that's great" vs. "No what are you thinking."


Sometimes of course they will say, "What I didn't see it...." which as a manager, is frustrating.  I would make sure there is some policy of checking the schedule for updates, or you will have to call or text.  In the restaurant business, schedule changes at the last minute are not cool either, but necessary at times.  Communication is the key, and square does a good job of making sure they are notified, if they choose to ignore it, that is an employee problem or they get too much fluff communication.



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