
Product, how to price seperately for Single item Sale and Bulk (wholesale prices).

We sell mostly at craft shows but an retail store wants to buy some of our product at a wholesale price.  How do we manage inventory is square?

Message 1 of 4
1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

As i see this is your first post here in the sellers community let me welcome you.


I am not sure what price or % you deduct from Retail to sell at Wholesale or if this is just a Quantity type discount for wholesale.


What I have done is I say all my candles for wholes sale are at this price $YY.yy and Retail is $XX.xx.  When I ring up a customer I do one of two things.  I either make my products for the order, put them in inventory and what I have extra I throw into the retail inventory.  I then write up an Invoice for the Wholesale order at the Wholesale pricing total, each item is then removed from Square.


Another way you can put your items into Square inventory scan them on a Square POS, then do a Price adjust or wholesale discount to get your item(s) to the wholesale price.   


Either of these will Show your Item in Square and then removed from inventory.


My Preferred method is :

Put the items in inventory and do Price adjusts when the wholesaler picks the items up. 

Pocono Candle

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Message 2 of 4
Square Champion

Best Answer

As i see this is your first post here in the sellers community let me welcome you.


I am not sure what price or % you deduct from Retail to sell at Wholesale or if this is just a Quantity type discount for wholesale.


What I have done is I say all my candles for wholes sale are at this price $YY.yy and Retail is $XX.xx.  When I ring up a customer I do one of two things.  I either make my products for the order, put them in inventory and what I have extra I throw into the retail inventory.  I then write up an Invoice for the Wholesale order at the Wholesale pricing total, each item is then removed from Square.


Another way you can put your items into Square inventory scan them on a Square POS, then do a Price adjust or wholesale discount to get your item(s) to the wholesale price.   


Either of these will Show your Item in Square and then removed from inventory.


My Preferred method is :

Put the items in inventory and do Price adjusts when the wholesaler picks the items up. 

Pocono Candle

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Square Support Number 855-700-6000.
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Message 2 of 4

Hi @Verdal, thanks for posting in the Community 🙂.

I hope @Candlestore's solution helps with what you're trying to achieve (thanks for jumping in by the way). But let us know if you have any other questions !

Community Moderator, Square

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Message 3 of 4

Hello- I have the same problem. I do a lot of wholesale, with a lot of different price variations. The recommended idea above from @Candlestore is just too cumbersome for me, and not clear for some of my employees who don't know some of the customer nuances. I need this more easily programmed in and have been trying for years. I've tried numerous work arounds, and chats with engineers, but nothing has solved the problem. I was happy to see "Wholesale Selling/Invoicing" as a "What would you like to see" in a recent survey.... keeping my fingers crossed that it integrates with inventory tracking. 

Message 4 of 4
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