Recent Discussions
👋 Hello friends!👋 Made a site using Square Online? Let's use this thread to show it off! I'd love to see the websites, online stores, and online ordering pag...
Based on an average of reported data, roughly 70% of shoppers on an online store abandon their cart. If you are unfamiliar with the term, an abandoned cart i...
This post will serve as a resource hub for those that are just getting started or anyone who is looking for additional tips on how to build and run their online...
Hello! I am looking for a platform to offer 3 different "memberships" to my business. I understand they are described as subscriptions. Each level would be a di...
We set up a coupon code for a sale that starts today and it isn't working. Why? When we type it in the verbage : Code not yet available comes up. This is not ok...
It's been 3 months since I paid off my 4th loan in full. No new offers from square since. Any one has the same issue?
My prep time is 20 minutes but tickets are printing up to 2 days early for scheduled orders
For the past couple of weeks, I am unable to purchase shipping labels for multiple orders at a time.From the orders page, I click the blue button "Create Shippi...
Is it possible to offer flat rate shipping (48 states) OR free local (city limits) delivery? I live in a small town and don't mind delivering my items locally.
I've got multiple Square online websites linked to my account and I'm wondering if there's a way to have different tip settings for different sites? Two sites a...
Hi,I'm in the process of setting up a website for a coffee shop. I do not want to offer online ordering but do want to display all the items I have for sale(as ...
Hello,I keep having customers complain about this. If we have automatic discounts on products. It hides the customers ability to see or use their loyalty points...
I added categories to my store but they are duplicating on the website. Thoughts?