Square Online
More and more sellers are building their presence online. This is your place to share your experiences, ask questions, and discuss all things related to Square Online.

Recent Discussions

👋 Hello friends!👋 Made a site using Square Online? Let's use this thread to show it off! I'd love to see the websites, online stores, and online ordering pag...

Posted 04-11-2022 in Square Online
684 Replies

Based on an average of reported data, roughly 70% of shoppers on an online store abandon their cart. If you are unfamiliar with the term, an abandoned cart i...

Posted 03-21-2022 in Square Online
12 Replies

This post will serve as a resource hub for those that are just getting started or anyone who is looking for additional tips on how to build and run their online...

Posted 05-20-2021 in Square Online
1 Reply

Is it possible toschedule a blog story so that it posts on the Stories page, on a future date?Thank you for any helpful advice or direction!

10 - Advocate
Posted 04-27-2023 in Square Online
3 Replies

Ok....here is my issue. I have a website and customers can order and pay. HOWEVER, I don't always know what size shipping box I am using with each order. How do...

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-27-2023 in Square Online
2 Replies

Every time I upload new items (and in turn my inventory stock) into my Square Item Inventory, they do not upload to my Square Online Inventory.For example, I ju...

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-26-2023 in Square Online
1 Reply

So I have been fighting for over an over with why "some" items show and others don't. I have my checkout default set to PICKUP, fulfillment is enabled, yet item...

10 - Advocate
Posted 07-27-2023 in Square Online
6 Replies

Team Purpose LLC is here through the Community Health Network to correct community concerns by building up community members.

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-28-2023 in Square Online
0 Replies

Is there a way not to sync Square Register item image to online store item’s image?I’d like to show different images on my Square Register (image of item number...

8 - Enthusiast
Posted 10-27-2023 in Square Online
0 Replies

"The formatting is incorrect. Try clearing the code, then copy and paste again". Appreciate any help on this. Thanks! Code from Google: <!-- Google tag (gtag....

7 - Protege
Posted 10-27-2023 in Square Online
2 Replies

I finally was able to properly integrate my Square inventory with FB/Insta but am getting this "issue message" on the majority of my items: "This item was added...

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-27-2023 in Square Online
0 Replies

My site'sFavicon not showing up in Google Search. I have tried multiple sizes including 64 and 48, and different formats JPG, PNG, and ICO. Additionally have wa...

7 - Protege
Posted 10-27-2023 in Square Online
1 Reply

I am getting ready to launch my Square Online shopping site. I did a temporary publish to see if any kinks. I typed my .com in and it says it can't be found. I ...

5 - Supporter
Posted 10-26-2023 in Square Online
9 Replies
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