
Why can't I remove stock images from my photo gallery?

I contacted a support rep because I couldn't figure out how to remove the stock images that were default in my photo gallery when I started my web page, and they told me that it is not possible. Furthermore, they told me that there is no limit to how many photos will display on my page. So not only can I not remove photos that do not picture my product, but as I add photos my page will become longer and longer and longer. Is that true??


I would suggest a few things:

1) Allow removal of gallery images. What if someone uploads an unrelated personal picture to their store? It's there forever unless they remove the whole section.

2) Limit the number of images displayed on the page. Say 10-20 images or something. At the very least, allow sellers to have an option of choosing a number of photos to be displayed. This will provide a much cleaner, more professional page for your clients.

3) Just don't put stock photos on my gallery in the first place. If I can't get rid of them and can't hide them, please don't make me use them in the first place.

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