Square Champion

We're Sorry, but something went wrong

Have you experienced technical issues when adding items to your Square Online store? Specifically, have you encountered the "We're Sorry, but something went wrong" error? If so, how do you manage this time-consuming process, and what solutions would you suggest to Square to improve this? It's so time consuming putting up an item multiple times.

Message 1 of 28
Square Champion

@RobynR Here is the screenshots, it's a lot. Here is the first 6 of 16 pages.


Message 22 of 28
Square Champion

Message 23 of 28
Square Champion

Message 24 of 28

Hi – Has there been any updates or resolution for this issue?


I build websites, and one of my clients is using Square for their retail location POS system; the products also get imported into the website.


While they are using the Square UI to add or edit products, this "We're Sorry, but something went wrong" error happens frequently, which is extremely frustrating and time consuming as they try to add and update items.


We have tried many different computers and browsers, have cleared cookies and cache, have tried via home vs office networks, etc. and it keeps happening on a seemingly random basis.


Sometimes it seems like it happens with more complex products (we have some custom attributes and variable items), but it will also often be a case of going into an item, flipping a toggle switch, and being unable to save because of this error.


I personally don't do the adding and updating of products, but when I test things, the Square app feels heavy, and I see tons of warnings and issues in the javascript console even when there aren't any visible errors trying to save an item.


Seeing RTFULK's screenshots of their javascript console, there are lots of errors that I don't see in mine, but those do seem to probably be related to the issue.


In conjunction with it seeming to be better when people start a fresh tab or browser session, to me it feels like all the complex JS in the Square app is breaking down under some circumstances.


I'd love to hear of any updates, advice, or leads here – thank you!



Message 25 of 28
Square Champion

I hate to say this, but it has become comical to us, instead of saying we are putting up items. We just say was are going to play Russian Roulette, because you never know if an item will get put up or if you will get the error.

Message 26 of 28

Oof... how frustrating. I just got this note from my client this morning:


I am currently trying to add one of our artists to inventory, [redacted]. I repeatedly come up the "We're sorry, something went wrong" error message. I have cleared my browser and restarted by computer and still the same problem comes up. I have tried to enter her product in 5 different times, three tries were on Saturday and 2 were this morning and the same product will not save. I did try a method of just creating a simple product that did not have any sku, price, or other filters just to see if it would save. It did end up saving the simple product, but then when I went back into the product to add the color options and tried to save, I received the "Were sorry, something went wrong" message.

Message 27 of 28
Square Champion

@RobynR Just a quick update, I put up about 30 items yesterday with no problem. The only thing different on my end was I only had Square open in Chrome, no other tabs were open.

Message 28 of 28

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