
Square Online stock for delivery and pickup

My shop is currently pre-order only and I have a location for pickup the next day (baked goods).


My question is, can I set a stock of goods I have every morning and have DoorDash pickup orders taken from this location's inventory while the Square Online orders are unaffected if something sells out live? Also to make sure that my pickup orders are scheduled to be picked up the next day, not taking from the current day's delivery inventory.


For example, on Monday I have twelve cookies in stock that can be purchased for delivery. I want to make sure that if I get ten delivery orders and ten pickup orders there are still two cookies in stock for delivery.


all help is appreciated, apologies if this is something simple i'm overlooking

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Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @Liquify,


Just to clarify, are you looking for stock for in-person orders to be separate from delivery orders? Or are you looking for stock on delivery orders to be separate from stock on pickup orders? This information will help us direct you in the correct area. Thank you!

Community Moderator, Square
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