
Items are showing as pages. Preview and QR code link show different sites

trying to build a menu for customers to view after clicking on a QR code. when i look at the preview everything looks fine. when i click the qr code it generates it goes to a different home page that is showing every item in my library the items show as "pages"in the editor as well. essentially it links to a different and wrong homepage


also if i type in the url into a browser it appears to be exactly the same as the QR code link but it goes to the site or home page that looks as i want it. I'm thoroughly confused.


here is the libk the QR code provides..



here is the link i want it to provide



Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

Hello @CCW !


I think there may be two issues at play here. First, when you're banging around with your website and refreshing the customer-facing side, many times the browser won't update with your latest changes. The quickest and easiest thing to do here is to delete your cookies, force close the browser, and try again. 90% of the time the problems will clear themselves up. When I look at your page (both links) it looks like the site is behaving by design, so I think this is your primary culprit.


Please note also that the QR code ordering only works with the Order Online template: not the Shop All template. You can verify you have the right one at Online Dashboard -> Website -> Edit Site then the little Gear near the top left. With Order Online, all items are listed on one page instead of being separated by category.

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
Message 2 of 3

i've tried the qr code on different devices and it keeps linking to the wrong page. 


https://ccwbar.square.site/ is the site i built and it keeps linking to one which is a mystery to me 

Message 3 of 3
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