
Is it possible to change fulfillment from pick up to shipping after an order has been placed?

Customer had ordered an item online and it came arrived to me under a 'pick-up' status even though the customer wanted it shipped. Interesting because under the item's details, I have the fulfillment only marked as shipping.  I reached out to support, and they said that they currently do not have the option to change an order from pick up to shipping. Best thing to do right now is to cancel the order and have them run the card again. Some customers will see the hassle in this.

The reason I needed it changed is because under shipping, I can get the customer address and have an integrated label made. Anyone else experience the same? I requested a Feature Request to be added. 

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Square Champion

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I have this happen from time to time, or when someone orders a custom cookie set isn't on our website. It would be great to switch from pick up to shipping but that may be a big technical nightmare, especially if their shipping address isnt tbe same as their billing. 

We just invoice the customer for the cost of shipping. I go into my shippo account to look it up. On the invoice, you can also ask for a shipping address so you have it as well. Most of the time when im printing labels, Ill do it from Shippo instead of square anyways. I also have an automation set up so it emails the customer automatically with their tracking info. Then mark the order as pick-up. 

hope that helps! 

Ali Kenis

Sugar Lab Bakeshop

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Celebrating Since 2012

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Message 3 of 4
Square Champion

@sugarlab  Thought you might have some insight on this! 

Lovewell Tea & Coffee//
Ventura, Ca

Message 2 of 4
Square Champion

Best Answer


I have this happen from time to time, or when someone orders a custom cookie set isn't on our website. It would be great to switch from pick up to shipping but that may be a big technical nightmare, especially if their shipping address isnt tbe same as their billing. 

We just invoice the customer for the cost of shipping. I go into my shippo account to look it up. On the invoice, you can also ask for a shipping address so you have it as well. Most of the time when im printing labels, Ill do it from Shippo instead of square anyways. I also have an automation set up so it emails the customer automatically with their tracking info. Then mark the order as pick-up. 

hope that helps! 

Ali Kenis

Sugar Lab Bakeshop

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Celebrating Since 2012
Message 3 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Merliejo 👋


Do you mind posting a link to the item your customer purchased from your site? Fulfillment shouldn't change on its own like that, and I would like to take a peek at the settings. Unless the support team already helped you with changing the settings? 


Please feel free to @ me when if you reply. Thanks! 😊

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