
Images associated with specific variation not showing on dropdown menu at checkout

I have several variations of an item. Each of those variations have several images. When someone goes to check out and clicks the dropdown menu to choose the variation, all images show up, not just the images associated with that particular variation even though I have images in the variation. So it becomes very confusing which variation the customer is ordering. 


I've added several images of the item, and then various images to the variations of the items.


I recently tried to checkout myself and, for example: I have 10 variations of an item. Let's say 6 of them are blue, but different sizes and styles. When I choose "blue" from the dropdown menu, all images show up. Even if just the images related to the blue item showed up, how does the customer know if it is the correct blue item?


All Images Display Together: Customers see the entire gallery of images, even those unrelated to the selected variation.

Lack of Dynamic Filtering: Even when variation-specific images are assigned, they aren’t dynamically tied to the dropdown menu selection.

Confusion for Customers: Customers may struggle to discern which images correspond to the chosen variation, especially if several variations look similar.


Is there a fix or workaround for this?

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