
Getting events to show up in Google Events Near Me

I have 9 events scheduled for the first half of next year. https://lets-paint-a-picture.square.site/shop/paint-classes/5?page=1&limit=60&sort_by=category_order...


how can I get these to show up in the google "events near me" search? I have google webmaster tools and analytics enabled on the site.  But according to google, I need to add structured data to my pages? 
Learn About Google Event Schema Markup | Google Search Central  |  Documentation  |  Google Develope...

any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Chris

Let's put a little tree right here.
Message 1 of 3

HI, thank you for the links.  There are so many Google SEO aspects to consider.  Hopefully this information will help.


Is your website new?

Would you rank higher with a .com instead of the .square.site?

Contact your local post office for a list of zip codes near you to include on your website.


URL canonical. 



Google may see your classes as duplicates.  The only difference in the examples below are 77 and 78 (as assigned by Online Store)







Add more information to the SEO of each:

Online Dashboard, Website, Edit Site, Page: Home down arrow, scroll down to select an Event, click 3 dots, popup select View Page Settings, SEO Page Title (add Date, Time, AM or PM), SEO Description (add Date as numbers 01/01/2023 and include day of Monday etc, and spell out month January 01, 2023 and Time AM or PM)


Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 7.46.15 AM.png



You can also add themes (example: Date Night, Birthdays, First Dates, Anniversary, TikTok Fun, etc) 


If you are not ready to upgrade for a .com, you can point one to the .square.site.  Purchase a domain on NameCheap (usually cheaper)



Or, if you have access to the domain only Personal Plan for $10 a month ($120)

Sign into your Online Dashboard, click Upgrade upper right hand side

Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 8.02.16 AM.png


Hope this helps.
Message 2 of 3

thanks for this. I'll try to make the changes. I have the domain www.letspaintapicture.com and it points to the square site already.


I'll make the adjustments to the pages like you suggested, but does the events type on the square site publish the correct markup for google to detect and display the events?


Thanks again.



Let's put a little tree right here.
Message 3 of 3
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