
One fast transfer per day? What time does the day reset?

Despite it clearly stating everywhere that you can make unlimited instant transfers per day (with a potential transfer limit), lo and behold, I completed small amount to see if it would clear straight through. Of which, it did. However, I then go to do the remainder of the balance and it advises I can only make one instant transfer per day. So around 1am I try again and the same message received, with instant transfer greyed out. Can someone please help me in figuring out how to remove / increase the one per day? And also, what is considered ‘per day’ and there is nothing in the terms and conditions about that. Thanks 

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Square Community Moderator

Howdy there, @Hesm! 👋

Thanks for writing in with your question. I noticed it's your first time posting to the Seller Community - welcome!

If you've recently signed up for a Square account, you may find as a new Seller that you have a maximum transfer limit of up to $500 per day. This limit will eventually increase the longer you remain a Square Seller.


However, it's also worth noting that account reviews will impact your Square transfer availability. Our Account Services team will periodically review Square accounts to ensure we're continuing to provide a safe card processing environment for both Square Sellers and their customers.


You can check to confirm whether an account review is impacting your ability to initiate transfers by logging into your online Square Dashboard or checking your inbox. 


Feel free to reach back to us with any further questions here.

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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