
Square Capital I need to know!

What balance were you at before being offered a new loan and percentage? I have a expansion project coming in a few weeks. This is my 3rd loan and I’m at 68% with $1500 left. 

I have a very good track records and keep exceeding sales daily. Great new and old customer mix. 

Got the fun generic response when I inquired the other day. 

I love them. They have helped my business a lot. But this inconsistency is hard to deal with as a business owner. We as business owners are organized and ahead of the game as planners to make sure we succeed. Not sure when or if it will happen again but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. 

Message 1 of 3

Keep Processing!, I'm at 97% awaiting a new offer as well, a word of advice, dont stress it, as i once did; it will drive you crazy lol; hoepfully you will get an offer soon, as will I, but plan without it as well in my opinion; It definitely helps for expansion, new hires, i made the mistake of expecting it as in past years, and it drove me crazy. It will come when it's supposed to 🙂 good luck!

Message 2 of 3

Good luck! I'm 98% paid off, and hoping I get an offer soon. This is my 6th loan that I've paid off, and usually get an offer by now. I actually did get an offer at 83%, but it was denied for a small reason. The reason was corrected immediately, and I haven't recieved another offer. I'm hoping I get one soon though. I will admit that things have changed with square, I've been with them for a long time, and have always had a capital offer around 75%. It can be a little discouraging since we all work so hard, and we depend on them to help us out considering we us their product, and pay them fees for every charge.

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