
Service Windows for Lawncare

We run a lawncare service, and get a fair amount of feedback (regardless how much we communicate) about Square sending the appointment as a fixed time, not a window of time.  Example we tell people we will be there between 2-5PM, however the appointment is set for 2PM.  Therefore the customer feels we should be there at 2PM, even though we have communicated that the window is 2-5PM.  Is there a way to create a window, or modify the TXT messages that are sent to the customers so we can inform them that all the times are windows or ETA of our arrival. 

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Square Community Moderator

Welcome to the Community, @cbspeckman


You have the option to customize the email notifications you send to your seller. If you go to your Dashboard > Appointments > Settings > Communications, you will see those options. 



At the moment, text message notifications cannot be customized for Appointments. 


Another option would be to include that in the description of the service, so your customers can see it too. 


Please let me know if you have any other questions.






Community Moderator, Square
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