
Looking for square booking flow guru

Hello. I am looking for someone who’s is a square booking flow guru. 
I had a web developer do work for me and I’m not happy. I feel the booking flow is super powerful I just can’t figure out how to make it do what I want. 

Message 1 of 9
Square Champion

Hey there @silverfoxbarber.  I’m going to tag a few fellow Square Champions who used Square Appointments. One or more of them should be able to help you. In the meantime, it would be very helpful for you to start the conversation by posting specific questions and/or concerns you might want to explore. 

@Doran @Bronze_Palms @TCSlaguna

@MudFire_Dex can you offer any assistance here?


Square Champion, Innovator, Expert and Truth-Teller (The good, the bad, and the ugly. Lol)
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Website Facebook
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps other sellers who find this thread in the future.
Message 2 of 9

thank you for your response and suggestions. 
 - I have multiple barbers with multiple prices and times

-I’d like to have a landing page that has services or next available ( I do know square has the toggle for any staff) but it doesn’t seem to work

- on web landing page underneath barbers photos, their next availability. I see that the squarego app does include this but I cannot figure how to get it onto my website. 
- multiple service and multiple staff being booked. Guest A wants to book to appointments at 9am with 2 different barbers. Again square has toggle for both but they don’t seem to work. 
My main goal is to have a powerful booking flow visible on the website that I’ve moved to squareonline 

hope this helps 

Message 3 of 9
Square Champion

Thank you for taking the time to do that.  I’m going to tag a few more Champions.


@SiBellebeauty @vinesandrushes @JessPoynter @Stacelyn24 Can you offer any assistance here?

Square Champion, Innovator, Expert and Truth-Teller (The good, the bad, and the ugly. Lol)
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Website Facebook
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps other sellers who find this thread in the future.
Message 4 of 9
Square Champion

Sorry, I don’t have any experience with Booking. Thanks for checking with other sellers. 

Message 5 of 9
Square Champion



We are a UK beauty salon offering a whole range of treatments at two locations.


 I have multiple barbers with multiple prices and times - we've not yet figured this yet - I'm not sure its something Square offer at the min (in the UK at least!)


-I’d like to have a landing page that has services or next available ( I do know square has the toggle for any staff) but it doesn’t seem to work

Our client's get on really well with the next available staff or if they have a preference they choose the staff they require.

- on web landing page underneath barbers photos, their next availability. I see that the squarego app does include this but I cannot figure how to get it onto my website. I am not sure on this sorry!

- multiple service and multiple staff being booked. Guest A wants to book to appointments at 9am with 2 different barbers. Again square has toggle for both but they don’t seem to work. They can't book multi appts in one booking at the same time, they can however book barber A at 9am for a beard trim then Barber B straight after for a hair cut, all in a few clicks without having to make seperate bookings.


Hope that helps! 

Si Belle Beauty
Message 6 of 9
Square Champion



We have a Schedule an Appointment button on our website. It has the ability to book with any service provider. 


If you click an individual service provider, their page shows a Schedule This Reader button. 


These are created using Square Appointment's custom widget feature. 


I have never played around with booking two appointments, so I am not sure about that. 


Let us know how it goes! 

Message 7 of 9
Square Champion

First off, apologies for my delay. 
Before I add too much 'noise', do you still feel like you're having roadblocks with the same issues? 
Have you found any resolution or are you still struggling with the same problems from a couple of weeks ago?

Hair Designer | Certified Trichologist

Visit My Website - JP Style & Solutions
Check out the magic on Instagram - @JESS.POYNTER
Make an impact on Facebook - @JPSTYLESOLUTIONS
Message 8 of 9

Hi Jess. 
send the noise!!!

same problems. 

Message 9 of 9

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