
How can I ask Square to stop texting my clients about Square Go?

Hi, Square is texting my clients about their new Square Go app. How do I stop them from bothering my clients? I want all Square Go marketing texts to stop.


It shows up as a banner on our booking page already. Texting all of our clients to market Square Go in a way where the customer can confuse the marketing texts as coming from us is crossing the line. 


If Square wants to market using our client's email, the least you can do is contact them through an email branded as your own and completely separated from our business.


Attached is an example screenshot of texts sent by Square to our clients using the Square Assistant messaging that was provided to our account.


Screenshot 2023-05-15 at 12.25.32 PM.png


It is sent to our client using the same thread as our business notifications such as receipts, appointment reminders and confirmations.


Taking advantage of the trust businesses have built with clients to promote Square Go's campaign is not an ethical way to market. In my opinion.

Message 1 of 8
1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

HI @MBL-Jacky. I think there might be some confusion here.  Square is letting your clients know that there is a free app they can use to manage their appointments with you.  They aren’t marketing anything to get your clients to use Square for their businesses, or to pay Square for anything.  They are just letting your clients know that you have a Square free tool/app that can make their lives easier when managing appointments.  For clients who have appointments with multiple Square vendors, this should actually be very welcome, especially since it is free.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 2 of 8
Square Champion

Best Answer

HI @MBL-Jacky. I think there might be some confusion here.  Square is letting your clients know that there is a free app they can use to manage their appointments with you.  They aren’t marketing anything to get your clients to use Square for their businesses, or to pay Square for anything.  They are just letting your clients know that you have a Square free tool/app that can make their lives easier when managing appointments.  For clients who have appointments with multiple Square vendors, this should actually be very welcome, especially since it is free.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 2 of 8

@TheRealChipA Yeah you're right.


Although, I prefer our clients to continue booking the old way for now. Our profile on the app is inaccurate because of deposits. This is why I prefer our clients not move to Square Go yet.


Thanks for your perspective.

Message 3 of 8
Square Champion

@MBL-Jacky.  I definitely get that preference, believe me.  Especially since you are still in a beta program, as I understand it.  I’ll add that I’ve requested in another seller channel here for Square to consider giving we beta testers the option to use the old/existing methods when we find that a beta is causing us issues, especially issues with clients.  Unfortunately, I don’t think this will be something that is implemented any time soon.  Speaking as an coder from way back, it’s not a simple thing to do.  But, they are considering it, at least.  Good luck.  Hopefully they get your Go issues resolved soon and you can move on to other things.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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Message 4 of 8

I appreciate the services Square provides, but I have a concern regarding the privacy of my business. Specifically, I would prefer not to have other businesses show up on Square Go, and I want to avoid having my customers sign up for Square Go as well. I DO NOT give consent to SQUARE to send my customers to download square go. 

Message 5 of 8
Square Champion

@Dandiesbarbers1 and @MBL-Jacky 


I should mention that Square Go is in beta right now.  You should be posting comments about the program here rather than on the public board.


Otherwise, here is an announcement of the rollout.  There is a settings page for Go here, where you can toggle off being listed in the app.  But, if you decide to be listed in the app, you will be listed with every other seller who has opted in.  This is a marketing page for Square sellers to help keep customers in the Square ecosystem.  It is not meant to be a one-seller-only app.  It is a marketing tool.  If you want to keep your customers away from the competition, you need to not use Square Go and use the regular Appointments tools you already have.  As for consent, your customers are also Square’s customers.  It’s part of our agreement with Square.  Square has our implicit permission to send their customers offers for services they might be interested in.  

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Website Facebook
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps other sellers who find this thread in the future.
Message 6 of 8

Has there been any further resolution to this. I am constantly having to explain to clients that I am not sending this message to them. Most of my clients book with me in person and both myself and them enjoy the appointment reminders and confirmations but we do not want this messages about Square Go being sent constantly to them. 

They do not want the app and it is not relevant to how I run my business. 

It comes across as spam texting and it honestly making me consider leaving Square after 8 years. 

Message 7 of 8

Also still have this issue it’s so annoying. Please anyone find a fix?? 

Message 8 of 8

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