
Appointments Disappeared from Calendar

I've seen a number of posts about this, and even one from someone having the exact same problem I'm having, but no answer to the issue has worked for me, so posting as a new thread.


Yesterday, all the appointments in my calendar just disappeared. I don't sync my calendar to Google, I manually enter appointments customers make with me. I tried logging out of the app and the browser window I was logged in on and logging back in, and that didn't work. I'm going to next uninstall the app I guess, but I cannot conceive of a reason that these appointments should all have simply disappeared, especially when you consider this strange behavior -- they're all (I think) showing in "History". What's odd there, is if I go try to say, put a note in one of those appointments listed in History, I get the wonderfully helpful message "Something went wrong". Really? You think? 


Now, I also received an email yesterday saying my Square Appointments Free subscription has started. What is distressing me about that is I don't recall clicking anything to start it, but with the way some of these pages are laid out, I guess it's possible I did; and it's too close in time to be coincidence.


Has anyone been able to resolve this? I responded in an older thread with another individual who saw the same email come in and then appointments disappear, but since it was older, I'm doubting anyone is looking at it anymore.



Message 1 of 7
Square Champion


Do you have any other employees? Is it possible that the schedules are only showing one person? 

As for your change in Square Appointments, there were a few notices stating if you didn’t designate your tier choice by a certain date, you would be automatically set to the Free. 


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Message 2 of 7

No, there are no other employees.

Message 3 of 7

And it would appear that you're correct, I must have missed communications about the appointments plans changing, but I'm also seeing some other behavior that is distressing. When I go into Appointments and select to "resend confirmation", EVERY contact I try this with tells me that "confirmation request failed. Verify the contact information for this customer is correct before trying again" and I know the contact information is correct. So does it require a Plus plan to send any kind of confirmation from the app? This isn't an automated confirmation by my definition, since I'm manually instigating it, but frankly the terms and comparisons of the plans are about as clear as midnight across a lot of features, so I'm not surprised that this isn't clear. It's also a terrible error message if I'm trying to use a feature that I have to pay for, the error should say that, not send me on a wild goose chase.

Message 4 of 7

I am having the same issue . I can see everything on my laptop, but on my square register , tablet and phone alot of my appointments are missing. I have tried everything. Who and how can I contact someone to help me??

Message 5 of 7
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @emeraldsrachel it does look like text and email confirmations are a part of the Plus plan now, sorry for any confusion! 



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Message 6 of 7
Square Community Moderator

Hello @Tamilt I am sorry you are having some issues with your appointments as well. That is bizarre they are not showing up on different devices.


 If you have tried troubleshooting especially making sure the apps are updated as well as the devices, that can definitely cause glitchy issues then the next step would be to reach out to Customer Support. To protect your and your customer's account security please reach out to support at 1-855-700-6000 squ.re/contactsqsupport so we can investigate this further. 


Thank you for working with us to get this resolved! 



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Message 7 of 7
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