
How do I void a transaction?

The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Voiding a transaction before batch


I wasn't clear on my last question... We entered an amount incorrectly and the transaction went through, immediatly we went to void it and the only option was to "issue a refund", subsequently I got charged 3 times, 1 for the mistake 2 fo the refund and 3 for the correct ammount. This all happened within minutes and way before our shechuled batch time. Is there a way to "void/cancel" an entered transaction without refunding? Also, its embarrasing to have a customer be hit with 3 different transactions on thier statment especially when it takes up to a week for the refund to go through. We are knew to this so please help:)

Hope I was clear on the situation.

Thank you,


Message 1 of 28
1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

There is no "Batching", the moment your transaction goes thru Square debits the customer's card and it goes into your Square account for next day deposit.


There is not a way to change the amount of a transaction.  You can either refund the entire transaction, but then you'd need the card to charge it again, only do this if it is for more money, or you can issue a partial refund to lower the original transaction total (it will show up as a charge and a partial refund).

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Message 3 of 28

Laurie again... Is it possible to adjust an amount that has been entered (before a batch goes through)? Say if you made an error or if the customer adds more or disagrees on the amount?


Message 2 of 28
Square Champion

Best Answer

There is no "Batching", the moment your transaction goes thru Square debits the customer's card and it goes into your Square account for next day deposit.


There is not a way to change the amount of a transaction.  You can either refund the entire transaction, but then you'd need the card to charge it again, only do this if it is for more money, or you can issue a partial refund to lower the original transaction total (it will show up as a charge and a partial refund).

Message 3 of 28

Hmm, I'm concerned about this functionality.


While I appreciate Square's process for refunding fees, I'm more concerned about the customer experience.  Not being able to immediately reverse a transaction before a card is charged can create tension with the client as well as the Card Brand.  Most brands now require real-time reversal when a transaction is voided; so processing a sale and a refund in the same batch (deposit) could lead to fines from the card brands.


This is definitely something Square should address.

Message 4 of 28
Square Champion

there isn't batching like the old way credit cards used to close accounts.  the transaction is processed at the moment that the card is charged, there is no pending to be charged when the batch is closed like there used to be.  there is no before the card is charged.

Message 5 of 28

I most definitely agree. I accidentally hit an extra button as I was handling my phone making a charge and refunded it immediately. Now my customer got her account overdrafted! It did not show up on my account. , I never got the money. I got only the corrected charge. Now I have an Irate customer, justly so, because they got charged an over draft fee and it is snowballing. Square had no help for me. That's just the way it is was the reply. 2 to 7 days for the correction that took one minute on the app.!!!!!!!!!

Message 6 of 28

I'd like to know why, with the latest 'update', I can no longer cancel or clear a transaction BEFORE charging. A customer, before handing over their card, may choose to pay cash instead, yet I can no longer delete what is on the checkout screen. My only option now is to power off and restart.



Message 7 of 28
Square Community Moderator

Hey there @ArizonaMark,

Thanks for reaching out to raise this with us! 

I'd like to get a better understanding of your current setup. Can you confirm what hardware and point-of-sale app you're currently using? 

Out of interest, I've tested this on my mobile device running the Square Point of Sale app (version 6.10) and I still have the option after selecting a card to select the small black 'x' symbol in the top-left-hand corner to exit out of this payment option. This then takes me back to the main Checkout screen where I have the option to select 'Review Sale' again to make any amendments to the sale, then 'Charge', to have the option to select an alternative payment option.

If this option is no longer showing for you, please include some more information as to what you are seeing on your screen instead. Feel free to send a screenshot through if that would help!

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 8 of 28

This happened with our Square account -  There should be a feature for voiding a mistake entered - period - without having to accountable for the "gross sale"  -

We really like Square features and are very frustrated that there no void feature for these circumstances.


Message 9 of 28

Yes!  We had large cash sale/refund that was a mistake.  There has to be a way to adjust the "gross sale" so that stats are correct moving forward.  Such a basic function that appears to be unavailable 😡

Message 10 of 28

I'm in the same boat. Was learning to use the system and was playing with ways to make package deals for multiple appointments... charged 160 and discounted 160 to make each appointment free, (found a better way now) but still can't fix the gross income that says I've now received 160 more than I have.... like what. I can't just manually fix an error... or even put a note on it? This is now in 2022...

Message 11 of 28
Square Community Moderator

The reasoning behind this is that Square has to keep count of all activity that happens in your account and Gross Sales are just that, every single transaction that has happened on your Square account @tbsets.  However, I recommend you submit a Feature Request here. This will help our product team get visibility and track other Sellers with similar interest in your request. 


Important: When submitting a request, make sure to include the desired feature, and provide the details of how this feature will help your business succeed (how would you use it and what you expect from it).

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 12 of 28

Even for non-credit card transactions a proper void function would be nice. I accidentally rang in a non-credit-card transaction twice and the only way to fix it for reporting purposes was to 'refund' one of them but now I've got a refund showing in my reporting which isn't really correct either.

Message 13 of 28
Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice here, @BSLprints. You are correct in this case, the only way currently to balance the books for a double transaction would be to process the refund.

Obviously there has been a lot of feedback from Sellers asking for a void option for transactions, but we haven't seen anything specific come down the pipeline from our Product Teams. If/when we do, we will bounce back here and let you all know.


Thanks, again!

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 14 of 28

Another vote for a void option. My employee rung up cash and then the customer decided on credit. I’ve been searching for a void option for 3 days…. Now I’ll need to issue a refund which will trigger a refund receipt to the customer. 



Time consuming



My gross sales will be off forever… I own the company. I should be able to void a past transaction…

Message 15 of 28

Need a void button as well. This is 2 years later why not have this? 

Message 16 of 28
Square Champion

I would also love to see a void feature. An employee when through the return/exchange process and accidentally refunded the money when it should have been rung as an exchange on a gift purchase. As the original card holder was not present in store the only way to fix would have been a void. We issued the gift customer a "credit" for the item and just took the loss and now have to reach out to the original customer to try to get payment. Not a great customer experience at all... probably won't even try to get payment to save face but a simple void (even just for management/owners) would be amazing!


Owner, Abigail's Gift Boutique and Abigail's Boutique St. Louis, MO
Message 17 of 28

It is STUPID not to be able to void a completed transaction.  Accidents happen and the transaction needs to be voided, not a refund process.  If we start the day with a bucket of 50 widgets and at the end of the day there are 20 widgets left but Square shows we sold 35 widgets.  We review the report and video surveillance camera footage and verify the only 30 widgets were removed from the bucket but a clerk accidently rang up 15 widgets instead of 10, and only collected money for 10.  I MUST be able to VOID those 5 widgets.  Come on Square - you are 12 years old and yet features like these - actually, lack of features, is like an unborn.  Sorry - these are simple business matters.  And do I dare mention the lack of a Training Mode?  RIDICULOUS.

Message 18 of 28

I hate that the tutorial guided me through a transaction that wasn't real, and I can't get rid of it now. I "refunded" the fake cash transaction, but it'll be there confusing me forever now.

Message 19 of 28

I have twice now needed to void out a Cash transaction that a customer meant to pay with Card.  Their cash tip still shows under the rep after being refunded.  Add a void option, it's a simple task and it would make everyone's experience better.  Stop explaining and start working on a real solution that involves a VOID option!  

Message 20 of 28

WOW! I thought it was just me that had an issue with square NOT having a VOID option. It would be a simple solution to many complicated problems. I hope they add one real soon. My reports are a mess, because of learning the system and making transaction mistakes.

Message 21 of 28
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