Recent Discussions
Having trouble with my touch screen, i have to tilt the POS forward for a sale to be processed.I have switched it over with one of my other POS systems on the s...
We are a pub and have different prices for drink in & take away, ( beer cans $8 & $5)so a $3 discount but when some one is buying a ie 4 cans POS is only giving...
We received an email saying money was about to be transfer out of our account.We have never received a email like this before and know nothing about it
I'm trying to close down my weebly online store, but I want to keep my square reader account open for POS, I also want to keep my domain name. How do i go abou...
We are a small community organisation which does not pay GST, We have just realised that GST is set for charging on our Square account and funds have been deduc...
Hi brains trust,I have had a couple of customers contact me to tell me they cant access my website.I have done a google security report and it seems google is b...
The world of technology is evolving rapidly, and bringing forth tools that can greatly benefitall-sizedbusinesses. From AI-driven processes to robots that work ...
The site categories I have setup are not showing as options when creating my Navigation menu nor are the showing in the create a new tab.
My transfer is still pending after 2 days on a account that has already transferred money before
I've just synced my Square to my Mail Chimp and all my contacts are now showing (in Mail Chimp) as subscribers, even though many of them are not as my data goes...