Recent Discussions
We have a restaurant and want to install self-ordering kiosks for customers.What is the best way to go about this?Are there any plans for Square to release thei...
Our online store sells flowers and other associated products. The delivery option has been a life-saver for us because we don't have to use the 'Shipping' setti...
Hi Team at Square,I have tried my Licence, my Medicare card and my passport all of which did not workI have been denied of Square Use and contacting costumer su...
Hi, I have a problem... I have had my website for years.... and for some reason unknown to me has now disappeared and Weebly say's that my domain name isn't set...
The title of this thread has been edited from the original:pickup only: Wanting customer to to not need to provide delivery address. my products are local Pick...
HelloI purchased the pos-mate bluetooth scanner yesterday to use with my restuarant app on my ipad. When I tried to connect it the app is shutting down & I can ...
How do I set up QR code tipping when I'm busking? In these days people seem to carry less cash, or don't want to take the time to wait and tap after we've finis...
Just wondering is it possible to have barcode for users so they can scan there ID instead of logging in, any help would be appreciates.Thanks
Has anyone else changed their business structure i.e. got a new ABN and had to open a new square account only to find that the ecosystem your were enticed to bu...
I’m having problems using clients standard Australian debit cards on the square app on iPhone, anyone else have this problem? Not everyone wants to use a “credi...