
Has anyone elses Transfer Settings changed from next day to 2nd day without their having done so?

I wondered if anyone else have had this happen to them recently. 


My Transfer Schedule has always been next day. I have not even been into my dashboard to change anything for well over a fortnight as I am an occasional Market Stall vendor so do not need to go in there. Today, suddenly the Transfer settings were found to be at 2nd Day when they have always been next day. I did not even remember how to change this yet the implication is that I have done so even though I have not. 


Long LONG conversations with Square support on Chat and also by phone and no one wants to admit there is a problem. Yet it very coincidentally coincides with the new instant transfer, for a fee, option that has come in. I hope this is not coercive marketing because their product is good enough for that not to be the case. 


However I need answers because my bank records and Square's own reports show it has always been next day till now. My internet provider will show I have not logged in to Square at all, let along to change the transfer settings. So how could it have changed to second day all by itself? And the support phone person and his manager remain saying the same sentence - 'we have no reason to suspect anything out of the ordinary in your settings being changed to reflect a two day transfer schedule’. 


So which is worse for Square, being found to be coercing people into using the instant transfer option for the fee because they expected their funds that day or if not owning up to it having to say their system has been hacked into because the account holder has not changed it. And if it was a third party why would they just want to change my transfer settings and not the destination?? 


We shall see. If anyone elses settings have changed would be interested to here. I hope not and that there is just a logical explanation for this. 



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Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @Lindi_TPAO, thank you for taking the time to reach out to us here, and sorry to hear you're experiencing these issues with your Square Account.

For additional context here, in order for your Square transfer schedule to be updated, you would need to manually update your settings via the online Square Dashboard. It is certainly not expected behaviour for these settings to change on their own accord. However, it is worth noting that changes made to your close of day may have a direct impact on when you receive your Square transfers, and for this reason, we usually recommend sticking to the default close of day in order to prevent any unnecessary delays. 

While we're unable to look into account-specific details via the Seller Community platform, I have followed up with our Australian Support Team regarding your case and I can assure you that our team is taking every step necessary to get to the bottom of this. 

Most recently, I can see an escalation has been submitted to our Engineering Team for further review. Please note that with these types of escalations it may take up to 2 - 3 business days before our team receives an update from the Engineering Team.

Rest assured, they will reach out to you as soon as they have more information to share. We appreciate your patience with us while we look into this matter further.

In the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out to us here with any non-account-specific questions you may have!

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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