
Square Transfers

I need help. Square has frozen my account. They have told me that my account is under review. They also told me that this procedure is conducted periodically on all accounts. They also told me that the review takes 1 or 2 business days to complete. It has now been 4 days and no one is available to speak to me at Square because the call center is closed on the weekend. Can anyone out there please tell me what I can do to expedite this matter? Please respond back. Thank you.

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Square Champion

Hey @1024jack.  Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to expedite the process, especially on weekends.  The folks who handle these things only work on “business days” (Monday - Friday).  You didn’t say when the account was frozen, but if it was not Wednesday or before, then Monday is probably the soonest you can expect any results.  I wish we could help you further here, but we just can’t. I wish you well.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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