
edit path of navigation menu

I have a site that contains a lot of info in lots of links.

I want to able to change the path of a menu ... lets call it "ToDaysPage" I want menu to show "ToDaysPage" but the source of the page would be different.

On day 1 this would be the link.

<li><a href ="Cars.html">ToDaysPage</a></li>

and on day 2 this would be the link

<li><a href ="Trucks.html">ToDaysPage</a></li>

I can do it when I do my own code, but cant seem to be able to get in to the Code Editor to alter what I want.

I can see the code (I want to change) when I use Inspect Element in Firefox... but not in the weebly Code Editor

Message 1 of 4

You can't directly change the url address (using the page SEO settings). You could possibly replace the {menu} mustache element in the page header for toDaysPage page with your own custom menu links but that's a bit of a pain to maintain. A couple of possible solutions come to mind:

301 Redirect

This is really intended to redirect traffic from an old site page to the equivalent or desired page on the current Weebly site. I haven't ever tried to apply this to redirecting traffic from a page on the Weebly site itself to another page on that site but it might work. Learn about how to do 301 redirects here: https://www.weebly.com/app/help/us/en/topics/how-to-301-redirect-an-old-page-to-a-new-weebly-page.

Use an iFrame

I'm not a big fan of iFrames but they can be useful in pinch and if properly styled and sized. In your ToDaysPage page, insert a Code Element and add the following code:

<iframe src="/cars.html" title="ToDays Page - Today's great promotion!"></iframe>

This will get the content of the desired page on to the ToDaysPage page. The downside is that it'll be in a small window. However, you can add some inline css (or make a class and add the css to the Weebly main css window) to effectively make the iframe fully responsive (i.e., no scroll bars). The page on which you'd add this code, however, can't contain anything but the iframe (so you'd need to create a new page header that contains no header and no footer and only the {content} mustache element (so that you can drop the Code Element on to the page in the Site Editor). Here's the fully-responsive iframe html pointing to the Cars page:

<iframe src="/cars.html" title="ToDays Page - Today's great promotion!" style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; height:100%;width:100%;border:none;"></iframe>
Message 5 of 4

Thanks Paul

I am new to weebly... what you said sounds like what I have found... no easy way to change URL .

I will check out your 301 suggestion, if that doesnt work I might just put a link in the home page.


Message 5 of 4

Thanks Paul.... I replied to this last week, but somehow it didnt get added.

I too am not a fan of iframe

I found an easy... read lazy way Smiley Happy

Go to "Pages" tab, Copy the page that I want to use, rename it . Then delete the previous ToDaysPage, then rename the Copied page as ToDays Page.

As the saying goes " Thats all folks"

Message 5 of 4
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