Weebly Site Editor

Posted 10-04-2022 in Weebly Website

93 Replies

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Hey I would like to add new structure elements to an existsing site but they they do not appear. Why is this and how do i access them?

5 - Supporter
Posted 09-01-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
5 Replies

Hi all,This is really frustrating as I run a site that needs to have new posts regularly. Since yesterday, wheneverI post a new post, all the content is gone ap...

6 - Contributor
Posted 12-07-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
15 Replies

Я вношу изменения в шапку сайта, другой размер картинки (800х200 пикселей), сохраняю для других страниц сайта. Но на самом сайте, опубликованом, изменений не пр...

7 - Protege
Posted 12-10-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
4 Replies

Нello!Tell me please:У меня в вашем конструкторе есть сайт "АВС". На странице сайта "АВС" в заголовке должен быть текст, но он пропал - смотрите 1 файл.Spoiler ...

5 - Supporter
Posted 12-17-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
2 Replies

I updated website, editing several pages in one go, then Published. On checking actual website, I found that some of the webpage changes weren't there. For now,...

5 - Supporter
Posted 04-02-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
4 Replies

Can you have a navigation item link to an external site? (Not from a page created.)When clicked, I am trying to make a navigation tab title go to an external si...

5 - Supporter
Posted 08-02-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
2 Replies

Help! Seriously I love weebly but there are times I just want to cry. Does anyone knowof any css/html tutorials out there geared toward visual designers? I know...

7 - Protege
Posted 12-16-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
4 Replies

I am able to log in as site manager but get messagejennifermackenziedunbar.weebly.co’s server DNS address could not be found when using serach engine and hyper ...

5 - Supporter
Posted 05-25-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
11 Replies

For our school website, I wanted to start a "Senior Shoutout" blog. I was able to create the blog and everything but is there someway that I can minimize the po...

5 - Supporter
Posted 12-16-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
1 Reply

I am trying to reduce the size of the gap between the headlinewhen using an image header and the navigation - the section marked in red on my attached screensho...

5 - Supporter
Posted 12-15-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
2 Replies
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