Weebly Site Editor

Posted 10-04-2022 in Weebly Website

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Hi. My site can be found here.http://bristolroversmemorabilia.weebly.com/My problem is there is a stray picture of a player that seems to appear on pretty much ...

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Posted 04-16-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
3 Replies

I am using the themeCleanLines 2 - Online Store and on desktop it appears fine, however on mobile the content is running off the page on the right. It is happen...

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Posted 04-17-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
3 Replies

When I go in to edit my website it started appearing in the Norwegan lanquage. For years it has always appeared in English (my prefered lanquage). How can I fix...

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Posted 04-17-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
1 Reply

Hey !How Can I Change The Header Font Size?The sizes that the editor suggest is really small ....Thanks !

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Posted 04-14-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
2 Replies

Hi,I need to delete these files, as I've uploaded more up-to-date versions:http://www.sagittariarovigo.org/uploads/9/1/7/5/91759142/tesi_tfa_marco_boscaro3.pdfh...

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Posted 04-15-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
3 Replies

I need to enlarge a logo in the Kiko&Miles template here:https://bluebirdhome123.weebly.com/any help is so very much appreciated... I'm stuck!

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Posted 04-16-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
2 Replies

Approx. at 9:45am I deleted a page titled "What is Panhellenic?" that also deleted the subsection. Can anyone help me restore the sub sections! cpcwcu.weebly.co...

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Posted 04-15-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
1 Reply

Hi, I saw something (a pdf) on the internet which was I once upload to Weebly before, but I need to take the information off, however, I cant find it anywhere o...

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Posted 04-02-2021 in Weebly Site Editor
5 Replies

Hello,I have built many websites with Weebly and in one of my blogs, I got to enter my Facebook info into the settings Panel, which allows me to publish my blog...

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Posted 06-09-2016 in Weebly Site Editor
19 Replies

I've cleaned my Chrome browser, which is the one I use most of the time. All other sites I've tried to access are loading quickly, but the Weebly page editor wo...

7 - Protege
Posted 01-08-2018 in Weebly Site Editor
48 Replies
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