
Visibility of PDF on Password-Protected Page

I want to put a downloadable pdf on a password-protected page (on an otherwise public site). I see how to password-protect a page, but I've also seen cases (on non-Weebly sites) where a pdf that was only linked on a password-protected page shows up in search engine results. Will this happen on Weebly and, if so, is there any way to stop it from happening or to separately password-protect the download?


Also, will the pdf show up in results for the site's own search and, if it will, is there a way to stop that from happening?


Thank you in advance.

Message 1 of 4

Hi @doubleA You can choose to keep the page itself hidden from search engines, but I don't believe it is possible to hide the actual file. Perhaps if you use Scribd to display the pdf on the hidden page.. Is it a large pdf file? Just curious why you would want the user to download it instead of just viewing it on the site. Thanks in advance for the clarification. Smiley Happy

Message 5 of 4

@Bernadette  Thank you for your response! Yes, I can put the file as a Scribd if that will help. The file does contain sensitive information, however, so can you confirm for me that a pdf within Scribd on a password-protected page will not be viewable on search engines or in the site's own search?

Message 5 of 4

Files uploaded through Scribd are hosted on Scribd servers. I suggest confirming with them directly, however, I have never come across someone having an issue with a Scribd document showing up unknowingly on a search result page. Clicking the box to "hide this page from search engines" will prevent the site from being indexed on browsers and will also prevent someone from searching for the document on the site itself. Click the page name, then SEO Settings to find the option at the bottom of the screen. 

Message 5 of 4
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