
Problems with Mobile View


I'm having a couple of problems with the layout of my website when viewed on mobile, and can't work out what I should do to fix them! The site is www.philippablewis.com

1) One page has six photos in a grid at the bottom of the page. On my phone these show up fine, but on my partner's phone (same operating system) only one of them is showing up. He's refreshed a few times etc - it's been showing up like this for a few days. Any ideas why this might be/how to fix it?

2) Four pages have exactly the same image as a header banner. It is exactly the same image dropped onto each page and looks fine on laptop, but when I view it on my phone one of the pages shows the image as a bit bigger and thus the text on the header doesn't quite fit on the page. The pages all look identical in the site editor so I have no idea why it's showing up like this or how to fix it.

Any help would be very appreciated! (Although preferably in very simple steps...!!)


Message 1 of 5

@philippabl It would be helpful if you could provide the specific page links to the problematic pages. I looked through all the pages in your site and none have six images at the bottom of the page. Would you indicate which pages apply to each of the described problems.

Message 6 of 5

Oops, sorry! 

http://www.philippablewis.com/outdoorslit.html is the page that should have six photos on the bottom - maybe they're not showing up for you either? And it's the same page which has the header showing up stretched on a mobile too.

Thank you...! Smiley Happy


Message 6 of 5

@philippabl Okay, I did not see that image gallery on the first go 'round but I see it now both on the desktop and on mobile (Android OS). This appears to be a standard Weebly image gallery so it shouldn't cause any problems. You may want to take a screenshot on the phone where you see the problem so that we can take a look at just what's happening. (Does the gallery disappear entirely? Is it partially truncated?)

A couple of other items of note:

"Lexical Peaks" Banner

The issue with your header banner lettering being horizontally truncated when viewed on mobile viewports is that you're setting that lettering as a section background. Background images will accommodate themselves to their container (a section in this case) while the section maintains a nominal height. This means that on smaller screens, you're going to see horizontal truncation of the background image (height is static but width is smaller). This is different behavior from what's called a "fully-responsive image" which automatically shrinks/expands both the width and height of the image depending on the size of the viewport.

To solve your banner problem, you need to treat the lettering image ("Lexical Peaks") as a foreground image and simply use the pale green color as a section background color. To accomplish this, in the Site Editor, click on the section, click "Edit Background" in the floating edit bar, click on "Image" so that you can see the other background options, then click "Color" and "Change Color" and in the "Hex" box enter the hex code for your pale green background color (#dee7e6). Now your background is just pale green. Open your banner lettering image in an image editing tool and crop it down to just the lettering as you see below (if you want to use this, right-click on the image and select the "save" option):


Save this on your hard drive. In the Site Editor, drag and drop an Image Element into the banner section. Click the element, and upload your cropped lettering image. This is now a full-reponsive image layered on top of your pale green section backround. Drag and drop a Text or Title Element right below the lettering image and add your tagline, "Outdoors Publishing." If the text or title is too close to or too far from the lettering image, modify the spacing on the lettering image via the Image Element attributes (default is 10 pixels of space above and below the image).

You'll now see that the "Lexical Peaks" lettering will properly shrink to accommodate smaller screen sizes (and will expand back to its native width on larger screens) and you'll have the added benefit of changing your tagline directly on the page (no more having to create specific banner images for each page title). You can emulate smaller screens right on your desktop by shrinking the width of your browser window.


You love your spacers. That's okay but you are at times using them a bit too much and indiscriminately. In your Outdoors Publishing page, you've set the spacing above and below the image gallery (via the Image Gallery Element attributes) to 30 pixels. Above the gallery, you've added a spacer that adds another 45 pixels of height. Below the gallery, you've added a spacer that adds another 36 (?) pixels of height. And just for kicks, below that spacer is a horizontal separator that has 20 pixels of spacing above and 20 pixels of spacing below it. That's a heck of a lot of spacing.


  1. Remove all the horizontal separators. There's a reason to use these to break up long blocks of content but, on your pages, they serve no purpose. If you were going for design flair, you'll perhaps want to try for something a little less pedestrian than a horizontal separator (background section color suffices).
  2. If you use an element that includes its own spacing (e.g., image gallery, image, horizontal separator) then just set all the spacing you need in that element. If you want 75 pixels of space above and below your image gallery, just specify this in the Image Gallery Element attributes. Don't specify 30 pixels of spacing above and below the gallery in the attributes and then additionally drop a 45 pixels spacer above it and another spacer below it. When it comes to element content on your pages, less is always more (everything on your page needs to be loaded so don't make the page do more work than is necessary).
Message 6 of 5

Hi Paul, thank you so much for this - it's been such a massive help! I didn't even realise I could adjust the spacing between images etc without using spacers haha. I've made all the changes you suggested!

The image gallery seems to be working now for my partner so hopefully just a temporary bug on it for some reason.

Thank you again! Smiley Happy


Message 6 of 5
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